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Forums » Elegant Ribbon Tech Support » ComboBox SelectedIndex Problem Collapse All
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Helmut Wahrmann Jun 1, 2010 - 2:37 PM

Looks like setting the SelectedIndex = 0 does not work.

i have a ComboBox which i fill like that:

private List<Item> encoders = new List<Item>();

encoders.Add(new Item("MP3 Encoder", "mp3", ""));
encoders.Add(new Item("OGG Encoder", "ogg", ""));
encoders.Add(new Item("FLAC Encoder", "flac", ""));
encoders.Add(new Item("AAC Encoder", "m4a", ""));
encoders.Add(new Item("WMA Encoder", "wma", ""));
encoders.Add(new Item("WAV Encoder", "wav", ""));
encoders.Add(new Item("MusePack Encoder", "mpc", ""));
encoders.Add(new Item("WavPack Encoder", "wv", ""));
comboBoxRipEncoder.DisplayMember = "Name";
comboBoxRipEncoder.ValueMember = "Value";
comboBoxRipEncoder.DataSource = encoders;

comboBoxRipEncoder.SelectedIndex = 0; // This does not select the first entry in my list: "MP3 Encoder"
comboBoxRipEncoder.SelectedIndex = 1; // This selects correctly the second item in my list "OGG Encoder"

public class Item
public string Name;
public string Value;
public string ToolTip;

public Item(string name, string value, string tooltip)
Name = name;
Value = value;
ToolTip = tooltip;

public override string ToString()
// Generates the text shown in the combo box
return Name;

Gianpaolo Rocchi Feb 12, 2012 - 10:19 AM


I have the very sma problem using 4.2. Is it possible? If so, can you please prvide a fixed assembly ASAP?


Technical Support Jun 3, 2010 - 6:49 AM

Please download it from our website:

Technical Support Jun 2, 2010 - 7:51 AM

Thank you for reporting the bug. We have already fixed it so the fix will be available in version 3.7. There are two options to workaround this bug right now:

1. We provide you with the updated Elegant.Ui.Common assembly which has the bug fix. You will have to install it into the GAC manually.
2. Tell us where exactly you initialize the combo box so we can suggest a workaround.

Helmut Wahrmann Jun 2, 2010 - 12:59 PM

As i have several Combo Boxes, i’d prefer to have an updated assembly.