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Francois Bronsard
Sep 17, 2009 - 12:52 PM
HI, Is it possible to either have a datarow with children rows or a grouprow with the same information as a datarow? My problem is that I want to associate some rows with a parent row and I wonder how to do that. For example, think of a list of parents and children as in: NAME | Address | Phone - John Smith | 33 Elm st | 333-3333 - Children Sue | 33 Elm str | 333-3334 Pete | 33 Elm str | 609-5555 My problem is how to create the GroupRow "Children" as a child row of the DataRow that contains the info about John Smith. Is that possible? Thanks, Francois
Technical Support
Sep 21, 2009 - 10:51 AM
Unfortunately it is impossible to structure a data row that way. Only a standard layout is supported.