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Rado Manzela
May 18, 2014 - 10:13 AM
After loading string block you don’t check for size of the block so when string with desired ID is missing at end of the block, you return empty string and success. So when asking for string missing in desired language, it does not check for default neutral language. You can check _AtlGetStringResourceImage() in atlcore.h how it should be implemented.
Art Wilkes
May 28, 2014 - 11:06 AM
If the following process is implemented.
Prof-uis resource manager has support for that:
virtual bool LoadStringEx( CExtSafeString & strOut, UINT nResourceName, WORD nLangIdDesired, WORD nLangIdNeutral = CExtResourceManager::g_nLangIdNeutral, WORD * p_wLangIdOut = NULL, HINSTANCE * p_hInstOut = NULL );
If the string resource is not found in nLangIdDesired resource then the manager search in nLangIdNeutral also customizable. You must enable m_bAllowCustomLang with AllowCustomLang method of Resource manager.
Art Wilkes
May 28, 2014 - 8:58 AM
Rado We are reviewing this and will try to add this in our next release. Thanks
Rado Manzela
Apr 25, 2014 - 3:17 PM
Since previous version I’ve used you’ve made change in void CExtGridWnd::OnGridFilterChanged()
if( _tcsi.m_nColType == 0 ) { if( pHeaderFilterCell != NULL && pHeaderFilterCell->m_bDynamicValueFilters ) { pHeaderFilterCell->m_bValueFilterShowAllState = false; OnGridFilterCalcPlainUniqueValuesForRow( pHeaderFilterCell->m_arrUniqueStringValues, _tcsi.m_nRowNo ); } OnGridFilterUpdateForRows( _tcsi.m_nRowNo, _tcsi.m_nColNo, _tcsi.m_nRowType < 0 ? true : false, pHeaderFilterCell ); }
Why do you refresh values list (OnGridFilterCalcPlainUniqueValuesForRow) when filter was changed? How can filter influence list of available values in grid?
The problem for me is this line:
pHeaderFilterCell->m_bValueFilterShowAllState = false;
it causes that value filter (with empty value list) is activated even when you create only "Text filter" or click to "Clear Filter From ..." so after this the grid will be always empty until application restart. Can you check this please? In case miracle happens and there will be new version of ProfUIS I’d be unhappy to get it again :) Thank you.
Art Wilkes
May 7, 2014 - 9:12 AM
Francesco Toscano
Apr 25, 2014 - 12:35 PM
Dear support, I have a RibbonBar (CExtRibbonBar), where I need to reduce the default distance that exist between a Label control and an Edit Control (... placed in one line). I tried to follow what you suggested at:;/p>
But I really not able to release it. It is not clear to me the realation that exist with the custom class derived from "CExtRibbonNodeLabel" that I have to release and the "CExtRibbonButtonGroup", which includes the method "CExtRibbonButtonGroup::OnRibbonGetOuterGroupDistance()" that should be implemented.
Could you please show me a sample code that demonstrates how I can release it? I am really going crazy! Thanks!
Francesco Toscano
May 8, 2014 - 7:54 AM
Great! That’s exactly what I was searching for !!!!!!!! Many thanks Art. Regards
Art Wilkes
May 7, 2014 - 9:10 AM
A simple mode to control distance between 2 ribbon buttons:
class CExtRibbonButtonToolGroupEx : public CExtRibbonButtonToolGroup { public: DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CExtRibbonButtonToolGroupEx); CExtRibbonButtonToolGroupEx( CExtRibbonPage * pBar = NULL, UINT nCmdID = ID_SEPARATOR, UINT nStyle = 0 ) : CExtRibbonButtonToolGroup(pBar, nCmdID, nStyle) {
} virtual INT OnRibbonGetOuterGroupDistance( bool bDistanceBefore ) const { INT nDistance = __super::OnRibbonGetOuterGroupDistance(bDistanceBefore); return bDistanceBefore ? nDistance : 30;
} }; // class CExtRibbonButtonToolGroupEx
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CExtRibbonButtonToolGroupEx, CExtRibbonButtonToolGroup);
class CExtRibbonNodeToolGroupEx : public CExtRibbonNodeToolGroup { public: DECLARE_SERIAL(CExtRibbonNodeToolGroupEx); CExtRibbonNodeToolGroupEx( UINT nCmdIdBasic = 0L, CExtRibbonNode * pParentNode = NULL, DWORD dwFlags = 0L, __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR strTextInToolbar = NULL, LPARAM lParam = 0L ) : CExtRibbonNodeToolGroup(nCmdIdBasic, pParentNode, dwFlags, strTextInToolbar, lParam) {
} virtual CRuntimeClass * _OnRibbonGetButtonRTC() { return (RUNTIME_CLASS(CExtRibbonButtonToolGroupEx)); } }; // class CExtRibbonNodeToolGroupEx
IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(CExtRibbonNodeToolGroupEx, CExtRibbonNodeToolGroup, VERSIONABLE_SCHEMA | 1);
CExtRibbonNode * CMainFrame::_InitRibbonNode_Home_Clipboard() { ……………………………………………………..
CExtRibbonNodeGroup * pRibbonNode_LabelEdit = new CExtRibbonNodeToolGroup(123); pRibbonGroup->InsertNode(NULL, pRibbonNode_LabelEdit); { CExtRibbonNodeGroup * pRibbonNode_LabelEdit2 = new CExtRibbonNodeToolGroupEx(123); pRibbonNode_LabelEdit->InsertNode(NULL, pRibbonNode_LabelEdit2); CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * pNodeIndentLabel = new CExtRibbonNodeLabel(123, NULL, 0, _T("Test")); pRibbonNode_LabelEdit2->InsertNode(NULL, pNodeIndentLabel); } { CExtRibbonNodeGroup * pRibbonNode_LabelEdit2 = new CExtRibbonNodeToolGroup(123); pRibbonNode_LabelEdit->InsertNode(NULL, pRibbonNode_LabelEdit2); CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * pTestTextField = new CExtRibbonNode(123); pTestTextField->ModifyFlags(__ECTN_TBB_TEXT_FIELD); INT nFontNameFieldWidth = g_PaintManager.GetPM()->UiScalingDo(143, CExtPaintManager::__EUIST_X); pTestTextField->TextFieldWidthSet(nFontNameFieldWidth); pRibbonNode_LabelEdit2->InsertNode(NULL, pTestTextField); }
…………………………………………………….. }
Francesco Toscano
May 6, 2014 - 11:21 AM
Dear Art, I already use the same code with my ribbon controls (with the excpetion that I use a fixed value with the method TextFieldWidthSet) and anyway, the one you posted doesn’t permit to control the distance between the ribbon buttons. What I am trying to do (without any luck), it is to use the "CExtRibbonButtonGroup::OnRibbonGetOuterGroupDistance" virtual method with my own CExtRibbonNodeButton -derived class in order to specifically control the distance value of each button. Your forum link ( reports that this is possible to implement it, but not a sample on how to release it effectively. I tried to follow what your support team suggested with the above link, but it is not clear to me how implement the CExtRibbonButtonGroup::OnRibbonGetOuterGroupDistance() with my custom CExtRibbonNodeButton-derived class. That’s it! I really hope to receive a reply about this. Regards
Art Wilkes
May 5, 2014 - 9:37 AM
Try this code and let me know if it works for you solution.
CExtRibbonNodeGroup * pRibbonNode_LabelEdit = new CExtRibbonNodeToolGroup(123); pRibbonGroup->InsertNode(NULL, pRibbonNode_LabelEdit); CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * pNodeIndentLabel = new CExtRibbonNodeLabel(123, NULL, 0, _T("Test")); pRibbonNode_LabelEdit->InsertNode(NULL, pNodeIndentLabel); CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * pTestTextField = new CExtRibbonNode(123); pTestTextField->ModifyFlags(__ECTN_TBB_TEXT_FIELD); INT nFontNameFieldWidth = g_PaintManager.GetPM()->UiScalingDo(143, CExtPaintManager::__EUIST_X); pTestTextField->TextFieldWidthSet(nFontNameFieldWidth); pRibbonNode_LabelEdit->InsertNode(NULL, pTestTextField);
Prof-UIS Support
Rado Manzela
Apr 15, 2014 - 1:40 PM
I want to localize my application, but I have no idea how, do you have some tutorial on this? I’ve checked your LanguageSwitcher sample application, but there is lot of code calling undocumented functions like RscInst_RemoveAll() and it does not even work. When I switch the language, menus are changed, but main dialog is always in English. Would it be simpler if I don’t need language switch on the fly? How can I set the language when application starts? Thank you.
Rado Manzela
May 10, 2014 - 8:52 AM
I was not calling CExtMenuControlBar::LoadMenuBar(). It seems it is not necessary when application is not localized, but now it helped.
Art Wilkes
May 8, 2014 - 2:32 PM
This is generally in the rc file. Make sure they are separated by language defines. Prof-UIS support
Art Wilkes
May 5, 2014 - 9:35 AM
Here is what I use for hot switching
VERIFY( g_CmdManager->ProfileSetup(m_ProfUISControlsProfileName ) );
CWinApp * pApp = ::AfxGetApp();
g_ResourceManager->AllowCustomLang(); // these are for reference int nEnglishvalue = (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_ENGLISH_US; // 1033 int nGermanvalue = (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_GERMAN; // 1031 int nFrenchvalue = (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_FRENCH; // 1036 int nDutchvalue = (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_DUTCH_NETHERLANDS; // 1043
m_nCurrentLangDefine = GetProfileInt( _T("LocalizationSettings"), _T("LanguageID"), (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_ENGLISH_US ); // these are left for testing //WORD nDesiredLangID =(WORD) GetProfileInt( _T("LocalizationSettings"), _T("LanguageID"), (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_ENGLISH_US ); //WORD nDesiredLangID =(WORD) GetProfileInt( _T("LocalizationSettings"), _T("LanguageID"), (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_GERMAN ); //WORD nDesiredLangID =(WORD) GetProfileInt( _T("LocalizationSettings"), _T("LanguageID"), (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_FRENCH ); //WORD nDesiredLangID =(WORD) GetProfileInt( _T("LocalizationSettings"), _T("LanguageID"), (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_DUTCH_NETHERLANDS );
g_ResourceManager->SetLangIdDesired( m_nCurrentLangDefine );
Prof-UIS Support
Rado Manzela
May 8, 2014 - 2:15 PM
Thank you, I’ve using the same technique, now everything works except one important problem in SDI application - main frame menu (IDR_MAINFRAME) still shows English texts in top level, only submenus are localized. Do you have idea what could be wrong? I call SetLangIdDesired() in the application InitInstance() before main frame is created.
Rado Manzela
Apr 15, 2014 - 1:40 PM
I want to localize my application, but I have no idea how, do you have some tutorial on this? I’ve checked your LanguageSwitcher sample application, but there is lot of code calling undocumented functions like RscInst_RemoveAll() and it does not even work. When I switch the language, menus are changed, but main dialog is always in English. Would it be simpler if I don’t need language switch on the fly? How can I set the language when application starts? Thank you.
Rado Manzela
Apr 17, 2014 - 2:19 PM
Thank you, actually I was trying this approach before, but it didn’t work for context menus, then I’ve found it was cmdManager which overwrote my strings from other non-localized menu which is using the same command IDs :) Now it seems to be working, I’ll just have to rewrite all LoadString() etc.
Art Wilkes
Apr 15, 2014 - 2:16 PM
here is what I use for doing the actual switching. This code is in the initial instance of the main app code.
VERIFY( g_CmdManager->ProfileSetup(m_ProfUISControlsProfileName ) );
CWinApp * pApp = ::AfxGetApp();
g_ResourceManager->AllowCustomLang(); // these are for reference int nEnglishvalue = (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_ENGLISH_US; // 1033 int nGermanvalue = (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_GERMAN; // 1031 int nFrenchvalue = (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_FRENCH; // 1036 int nDutchvalue = (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_DUTCH_NETHERLANDS; // 1043
m_nCurrentLangDefine = GetProfileInt( _T("LocalizationSettings"), _T("LanguageID"), (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_ENGLISH_US ); // these are left for testing //WORD nDesiredLangID =(WORD) GetProfileInt( _T("LocalizationSettings"), _T("LanguageID"), (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_ENGLISH_US ); //WORD nDesiredLangID =(WORD) GetProfileInt( _T("LocalizationSettings"), _T("LanguageID"), (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_GERMAN ); //WORD nDesiredLangID =(WORD) GetProfileInt( _T("LocalizationSettings"), _T("LanguageID"), (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_FRENCH ); //WORD nDesiredLangID =(WORD) GetProfileInt( _T("LocalizationSettings"), _T("LanguageID"), (INT)__EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_DUTCH_NETHERLANDS );
g_ResourceManager->SetLangIdDesired( m_nCurrentLangDefine );
This assumes you have set the language in the registry and have the .RC file and .h file configured correctly. We are fairly knowledge about this and we are developing a product line that is described on the website to help with program localization. I would be interested in hearing more about your localization project. Prof-UIS Support
Rado Manzela
Apr 2, 2014 - 1:56 PM
It seem you’ve added new bug:
LRESULT CExtMiniDockFrameWnd::WindowProc( UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch( message) { case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE: { LRESULT lRes = CExtMiniDockFrameWnd::WindowProc(message, wParam, lParam); Invalidate(); return lRes; } break;
it causes stack overflow. What was it supposed to do? Call the base class?
Art Wilkes
Apr 3, 2014 - 9:44 AM
Hi We are looking at this and other places in the code where this occurs. I’ll have an answer for you in a couple of days.
Prof-UIS Support
Rado Manzela
Apr 2, 2014 - 2:26 PM
and the same problem in CExtScrollWnd
Bill Olson
Mar 11, 2014 - 4:34 AM
This is probably not anything anyone will run into in code they want to release, but it may happen in development. I modified a dialog to add a grid along with some other controls. While I was working on another area of the dialog, I left the grid uninitialized. When the dialog came up, any controls that had an AddAnchor in the OnInitDialog were not drawn. Resizing the dialog would bring everything back. Controls that didn’t have an AddAnchor drew just fine. When I initialized the new grid with just a cell that said "TBD", everything drew OK.
It may have some weird interaction with something else I am doing. I didn’t try to create a stripped down project with just that code. Just putting it out there in case anyone runs into it in the future. It’s a minor bug in the grand scheme of things, but it did cause me to waste a couple of hours chasing it. Bill
Art Wilkes
May 7, 2014 - 9:14 AM
Prof-UIS Support Group Thanks for the report. If it shows up again we will investigate. We will also try to get a test case where this can be checked. Do you have a sample program that would exhibit this behavior. If so could you send it to us.
Prof-UIS Support
Rado Manzela
Feb 27, 2014 - 3:31 PM
I’m using filters on grid (CExtGridCellHeaderFilter). How can I invoke opening the filter menu on given column and set focus to first text filter edit box programatically? (Like when user clicks the filter button, choose "Text Filters", then clicks to "... is equal to:" editbox? I need to do this after pressing search accelerator. Thank you.
Adrian Ineichen
Jan 20, 2014 - 9:13 AM
I have a few questions concerning edit controls combined with spin buttons in a property control:
1) How to set user defined Min/Max values for a spin button
(e.g. Min value: - 23 /Max value: 209)
2) How to combine Hex values with a spin button
(e.g. the Hex value is set to 0x012B -> after pressing the SpinUp button, the value is set to 0x012C;
the Hex value is set to 0x012B -> after pressing the SpinDown button, the value is set to 0x012A)
3) How to combine Enum values with a spin button
(e.g. you have an enum including the values {Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday}:
- the value is set to ’Wednesday’ -> after pressing the SpinUp button, the value is set to ’Friday’;
- the value is set to ’Wednesday -> after pressing the SpinDown button, the value is set to ’Monday’) I’m looking forward to the answers.
Best regards
Art Wilkes
Jan 20, 2014 - 9:53 AM
Prof-UIS Support I’ll research your questions and get back to you tomorrow.
Tobias Fensch
Dec 20, 2013 - 7:48 AM
Hello, is it posiible to have a CExtControlBar within a CPageContainerWnd? That means using the CPageContainerWnd as parent... I have two windows (one dialog and one view) in one CPageContainerWnd-Page. I use CExtSplitterWnd so far but I want the behaviour of the CExtControlBar-Class (close-button, dragging. etc.). I hope you understand my intention. Thanks! regards, Tobias
Tobias Fensch
Feb 3, 2014 - 5:09 AM
Hello again, I will accept you offer with an example project. I slim it to a manageable size, I hope. I use Visual Studio 2010.;/p>
The cracking point is in the MainFrm.cpp at line 245. I create a dialog derived from CExtControlBar and as parent I give an instance of the CExtTabPageContainerWnd. It hangs in an endless loop at the moment. Can you help me with this example? Or do you have another approach to get the CExtControlBar within the CExtTabPageContainerWnd? thanks a lot! Tobias
Art Wilkes
Jan 13, 2014 - 8:56 AM
Prof-UIS Support The answer is I don’t know. I would think you should be able to, but I have never tried it. Let me know if you have problems and I’ll try to help. It would be best if you tried it on a simple project, like one of our Samples where we could freely communicate if you have problems. Thanks Prof-UIS Support
Tobias Fensch
Jan 13, 2014 - 7:24 AM
Tobias Fensch
Dec 20, 2013 - 8:11 AM
edit: I mean CExtTabPageContainerWnd...
Dec 19, 2013 - 4:46 AM
Hi ,
How can i customize guide diamonds that appear when we drag a tool window or document window toward the center of the IDE.
Please suggest.
Art Wilkes
Dec 19, 2013 - 9:13 AM
Can you tell me what theme you are using? I will then look in the resources for that theme. But I don’t remember graphics for that feature. So it might be code generated or a MFC feature that’s being used. I’ll get back to you by 12 23 2013. Prof-UIS Support
Mark Hodgkinson
Dec 16, 2013 - 5:11 AM
We are currently using Prof-UIS 2.93.
When a user types into a Windows combo box (with the ’drop list’ style) there are two possible behaviours. If the combo is not marked as sorted, Windows will search for an item whose first character matches the key pressed. If it is marked as sorted, Windows will search incrementally for an item that begins with the typed string.
(For example: If a combo contains ’Oak’, ’Red’ and ’Rose’, typing RO will select ’Oak’ if it is not sorted, ’Rose’ if it is).
It seems that the CExtGridCellComboBox only supports the first of these methods. Is it possible that incremental search could be added?
Art Wilkes
Dec 16, 2013 - 8:41 AM
Look ahead or incremental search can be added. We intend to add this after the 3.01 release. The time frame is Feb or March of 2014. Prof-UIS Support
Dec 13, 2013 - 7:06 AM
If I try to set a view as active by calling SetActiveView on CView which is in a pane not docked to the mainframe, the asset call of IsChild fails. Please suggest, what should be the correct implementation to avoid the scenario.
Thanks in advance.
Art Wilkes
Dec 16, 2013 - 8:53 AM
We suggest that you create a sample program that exhibits the problem and submit it to Prof-UIS support and we will correct the problem or advice you on the correct coding technique. Prof-UIS Support
Art Wilkes
Dec 13, 2013 - 9:15 AM
What value does the SetActiveView return. If it returns a NULL that normally means the view fails. MSDN If the window identified by the hWnd parameter was created by the calling thread, the active window status of the calling thread is set to hWnd. Otherwise, the active window status of the calling thread is set to NULL.. MSDN again The SetActiveWindow function activates a window, but not if the application is in the background. The window will be brought into the foreground (top of Z-Order) if its application is in the foreground when the system activates the window.
I would suggest you look at the GetLastError Section
MSDN Page on the subject.
What operating system are you using? What Visual Studio are you using to compile with? Is this a Dialog, SDI, or MDI project.
Prof-UIS Support
Dec 16, 2013 - 5:46 AM
Also, my app is not in background just the window is.
Dec 14, 2013 - 2:17 PM
I am on Windows 7 (though I know the issue is not OS specific). I am compiling with VS 2008 and on profuis version 2.91 My application is has SDI.
Guido Jaeger
Dec 9, 2013 - 11:30 PM
i am new with Visual Studio / C++ and bought ProfUIS to make a old Application looking nicer :-) The Original Code was designed in VC6 and ported to VS 2010.
I add the Pathes to Inlcude, Lib and Source manually to the Properties of the Project. I can compile the Project and the Release is also running..all perfect. OK..opening new Dialogs with much Objects inside ( about 40 Edit´s sometimes ) is a Little bit slow but the Subclassing Needs some time i think..
But when i like to run the Debug i got Problems...the Application starts and when i open an other Dialog in the Application i got a Break dbgrppt.c and the Programm stops. So Debugging is nearly impossible.
Any Ideas what i am doing wrong ?
Greetings Guido
Art Wilkes
Dec 12, 2013 - 10:08 AM
What Visual Studio are you using? What operating system? Contact TSELLC at to schedule a time to work on this problem. Thanks Support at Prof-UIS.
Hendrik Stephani
Oct 30, 2013 - 9:33 AM
hello, is there a support for ipv6 addresses in the CExtGridWnd planned? regards, Tobias
Tobias Fensch
Nov 4, 2013 - 3:37 AM
Hello, thx for your response. All 8 sections configurable would be nice. regards, Tobias
Art Wilkes
Oct 30, 2013 - 10:44 AM
Prof-UIS will try to get it in the next release 3.00, but if that is not possible then a surely in 3.01. Should there be 4 sections or will all 8 be needed. Prof-UIS Support.
Hendrik Stephani
Oct 23, 2013 - 8:11 AM
hello, there is a memory leak in the ExtControlsCommon.cpp at line 4702 when using the CExtTreeCtrl-Class: That’s what Visual Studio reports: ..\Src\ExtControlsCommon.cpp(4702) : {65668} normal block at 0x03253168, 116 bytes long.
Data: < s mmm > BC BE 73 10 6D 6D 6D 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
I update my tree control structure several times at runtime. I call the CExtTreeCtrl::DeleteAllItems() before that. I’m using the recent ProfUIS-Version. Any suggestions? regards, Tobias
TSELLC Support
Jan 27, 2018 - 2:12 AM
This was answered in a separate email.
Dawid Sienkiewicz
Jan 22, 2018 - 3:45 AM
I have the same issue with
it looks, the m_mapItemInfo is not properly released!
m_mapItemInfo.SetAt( hti, new TREEITEMINFO_t );
line 4709
any ideas?
regards, Dawid
Art Wilkes
Oct 23, 2013 - 9:46 AM
Prof-UIS Support I’ll look at this and get back to you in the next couple of days.
Dawid Sienkiewicz
Jan 22, 2018 - 3:46 AM
I have the same issue with
it looks, the m_mapItemInfo is not properly released!
m_mapItemInfo.SetAt( hti, new TREEITEMINFO_t );
line 4709
any ideas?
regards, Dawid
Markus Nißl
Oct 8, 2013 - 11:38 AM
Hello, when can we expect Prof-UIS to support Visual Studio 2013? Best regards
Art Wilkes
Oct 8, 2013 - 12:56 PM
We are developing with Visual Studio 2013. There are some issues with the compiler. The Multi-Byte Character Mode needs a special download and the compiler operations seems to have some problems yet. We are planning on having VS 2013 support for Library Release 3.00 due out late this month or early next month.
Alastair Watts
Sep 25, 2013 - 7:54 AM
I using CExtGridCellSlider in a property grid and want Apply() to be called when the user drags the slider. I’ve searched the forums and found an article that mentions OnInplaceControlWindowProc(), but don’t understand how to implement it.
I’ve also looked at CExtGridInplaceSlider - but this doesn’t support tics.
Alastair Watts
Oct 3, 2013 - 4:06 AM
Please tell me this isn’t groundhog day all over again!!!
Alastair Watts
Sep 30, 2013 - 3:46 PM
Alastair Watts
Sep 25, 2013 - 2:05 PM
Hi Art
I don’t really know what else to say ... CExtGridCellSlider doesn’t notify when you drag the slider, only when you move off the cell.
Art Wilkes
Sep 25, 2013 - 8:43 AM
Could you tell me more about exactly what you want to do. I’ll look it over in the next couple of days. Prof-UIS Support.
Jay Horak
Sep 4, 2013 - 6:08 PM
I have Visual Studio 2005. Where can I get 2.94 workspaces? I do see that 2.93 Trial has VS 6 / 7 / 8 etc support. If that’s my only option can I geta link to the 2.93.
Art Wilkes
Sep 4, 2013 - 9:32 PM
I’ll get you a link to 2.93 but can you compile vs 6 with vs2005.. Could you send me the last project you used to compile your prof-UIS library. What version of the library was it? Thanks
Fransiscus Asisi Herry
Aug 19, 2013 - 7:49 AM
Dear Support, Is version 2.94.2 still support and be used in MS Visual C++ 6? However, i could not find the integration wizard as there is no support folder inside prof-uis folder, and ProfUisAppWizard.awx seemed is broken link. If this can still be used within MS Visual Studio 6, please let me know the procedure.
Jay Horak
Sep 4, 2013 - 6:02 PM
I have VS 2005. I purchased 2.94.2 and need to build the libs with it. Is it possible?
Fransiscus Asisi Herry
Aug 24, 2013 - 11:21 PM
Thank you for explanation. I am still using Visual 6 but now will move gradually to VC 2008 and VC 2012 if possible. You do not have to create one for me. I still need some help if you do not mind. I try to find App Wizard for VC 2012 and 2010 but I could not find anywhere on the file. The highest one is only ProfUisAppWizard_2008.ZIP for Visual Studio 2008. Can you create for 2012 and 2010 if possible? I think this is for now. Looking forward for your reply.
Art Wilkes
Aug 20, 2013 - 2:10 PM
The Software Establishment LLC supports the Prof-UIS Library.
We do not have Visual Studio versions 6-9.
We could get you a visual studio project for Version 6 if you really need one.
The Wizard is being replaced. We will have a new system out this fall.
I’ll check the link and see it is removed. Are you still using Visual Studio 6.
VS 6 will not really work on Windows 8 and beyond.
I not sure if VS 6 will work on Windows 7 without modification. Is there any way that I can help you.