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David Heitbrink
Mar 23, 2016 - 7:04 PM
While compiling the code I get a bunch of errors on lines like: std::auto_ptr<CExtRibbonCustomSettings>
I searched the project and did not find any includes for <memory>, the header file where it’s defined. If I correct for the missing header in the code, I still get some linker errors. I got this from both the .exe and the .zip file.
Prof-UIS v. (21.00Mb) .EXE Installer
TSELLC Support
Apr 19, 2016 - 11:00 AM
Update the sources for 2010 build like this:change this line: #include <xmemory> with #include <memory> in ExtPaintManager.h.
Reinhold Hoffmann
Apr 18, 2016 - 1:46 PM
Hi folk, Looks like we have the same issues. Bunch of errors when compiling ProfUIS_1000_Total.sln We need the libs for Static ANSI Debug Static ANSI Release It looks to us as if all is related to ExtPaintManager.h line 824: std:auto_ptr<CExtRibbonCustomSettings> m_pCustomSettings; where the error message is: ’auto_ptr’ : is not a member of ’std’ Please also let us know what might be the issue. Thx Reinhold
TSELLC Support
Apr 4, 2016 - 6:38 AM
This was answered in a separate email.
Wilhelm Falkner
Mar 9, 2016 - 1:14 PM
Hello, when creating a MDI-Application and start this application, AeroSnap (shift with mouse to fix window to left/right side of screen - or full screen when to top), works the first time. But when you resize the window - or past some fixes - it stopped working. This bug is not in our application, You can reproduce is with your samples - e.g. PROFSTUDIO Can you pls help? TIA - Willi
Wilhelm Falkner
Apr 5, 2016 - 7:59 AM
Thanks, Your workaround help to solve the problem. One question: why is it a workaround? any disadvantages? TIA - Willi
TSELLC Support
Apr 5, 2016 - 4:11 AM
We can confirm the problem. As a workaround, set CExtDWM::g_bForceUseProfUISFrames = false in your application.
Jon Ort
Feb 19, 2016 - 1:21 PM
Using version We have both a dialog app and an SDI MFC application. We migrated to Prof-UIS 3.2 and now that the theme painter has a noticeably different frame style we can clearly see that none of the dialogs have the correct frames. We are using CExtResizableDialog for all of our dialogs. We do see the painter being applied to all the elements within the dialog frame. The main application frame for the SDI app is being drawn using the theme, but the dialog app does not, nor do any of the other dialogs. Do you have any advice for resolving this issue? Thanks Jon
TSELLC Support
Apr 5, 2016 - 4:02 AM
For themed caption on dialogs CExtNCW<CExtResizableDialog> must be used as base class.
Raul Izquierdo
Feb 1, 2016 - 1:26 PM
For the 32 bit version of our product we embed a pointer in the ItemData field of ComboBox items for grid cells. This does not work for 64 bit versions. Is there a recommended way to do this for the 64 bit version of the components?
TSELLC Support
Apr 4, 2016 - 6:39 AM
This was answered in a separate email.
carbone luca
Jan 11, 2016 - 8:35 AM
We have an MDI app with CExtDynamicControlBar-derived windows created at runtime. Using v3.20 of the lib we observed a strange performance decrease while changing the focus between 20+ windows opened (floating state). At the same time v2.83 does not have this problem, the focus is changed much much faster. This behaviour can be reproduced using "MDI_DynamicBars" sample with changing #define __DEMO_BARS_COUNT_ALL 20 // 40 to #define __DEMO_BARS_COUNT_ALL 50 // 40 and undocking all the control bars. Why the performance has been decreased so much from v2.83 to v3.20? Is it possible to get the same good performance in case of many windows opened or at least improve it? Thank you.
carbone luca
Jan 29, 2016 - 5:48 AM
Any comments/suggestions?
Nov 4, 2015 - 11:53 AM
I am moving to and I cannot have same behaviour than with 3.01. The DwmIsCompositionEnabled is always false. the reason seems for me, that the proc name is wrong. You try to retrieve the proc address for ExtDwmIsCompositionEnabled. in 3.1, it works with DwmIsCompositionEnabled.
is it a bug introduced when you have renamed all methods of class CExtDWM with Ext as preffix?
or is this feature deprecated ?
Can I use this feature.?
Art Wilkes
Nov 5, 2015 - 9:36 AM
The code has a wrong initialization value for DwmIsCompositionEnabled function. Replace this line of code:
{ (FARPROC*)&m_pfnDwmIsCompositionEnabled, "ExtDwmIsCompositionEnabled" },
with this one:
{ (FARPROC*)&m_pfnDwmIsCompositionEnabled, "DwmIsCompositionEnabled" },
But, according to MSDN (,
"According to Desktop Window Manager is always on (Windows) on MSDN: In Windows 8, Desktop Window Manager (DWM) is always ON and cannot be disabled by end users and apps. In Windows 8, DWM desktop composition is a core operating system component and cannot be disabled. With a few exceptions, desktop composition is always on; it’s started before the user logon and remains active for the duration of a session. All of the options for disabling desktop composition that exist in Window 7 are removed Apps cannot use DwmEnableComposition to disable desktop composition. In order to maintain backward compatibility, a call to this API will return success; however, desktop composition is not disabled"
Prof-UIS Support
Christian Dangl
Oct 30, 2015 - 10:10 AM
We have a CExtPopupInplaceListBox in the RibbonBar. It works well as long as the window is big enough to always display the dropdown control. But if the Window gets smaller, the ribbon sections compact one after the other. Now if I want something from that drop down control, I first click the section name. This opens a small window below the ribbon bar which contains the dropdown control. I can open the list, but when I click an item, the control doesn’t receive the event, but instead closes and disapears with the window containing it. I have breakpoints in ExtPopupInplaceListBox::OnLButtonDown() and CExtPopupInplaceListBox::OnLButtonUp(). They are visited, when the control is visible on the ribbon bar, but when it is on the temporary separate window below, the breakpoin ts are never hit.
Christian Dangl
Nov 4, 2015 - 4:58 AM
To whom it may concern, I solved the problem by slightly reordering the code in CExtRibbonPopupMenuWnd::OnHookSpyMouseClickMsg(). Essentially I want the return false in IsMenuTracking() to happen before the DestroyWindow() in !bInnerPageClick. Rgds Richard
Jay Horak
Aug 25, 2015 - 2:14 PM
I am using CExtComboBox with only text strings entries. Customers love the ability to press the first letter of a list entry and jump to the first entry in the list with a letter match (I.e., pressing ’a’ takes you to the first entry with an ’a’ as its first character).
With this version of the control I somehow lost that native ability to do that (yes it did with MFC controls). I researched and found something on using SORT as setting in the control and that behavior is native. That didn’t work so maybe that’s only relative to MFC controls. I see some discussions of overriding the PretranslateMsg() but before I reproduce a built-in behavior I want to know that I am not missing something.
Thank you.
Art Wilkes
Nov 5, 2015 - 9:40 AM
We are looking at this currently Prof-UIS Support
Alastair Watts
Aug 4, 2015 - 6:10 AM
My main windows accelerator commands are not handled when CExtGridWnd is focused ... I’m guessing I need to override OnGbwAnalyzeCellKeyEvent() and forward these messages, but am unsure how to.
Art Wilkes
Aug 4, 2015 - 7:34 AM
The grid class doesn’t handle by default any accelerator command. Watch "m_dwSupportedAccelCommands" member. In profuiscontrols demo applications, enter a grid cell in edit mode and you can activate the main menu from keyboerd (Alt+V for example). Prof-UIS Support
hyungu hwang
Aug 3, 2015 - 12:45 AM
version 2.9.4
Unicode Debug Compile
ExtGridWnd.cpp -> void CExtGridCellSystemNumberCurrencyBase::TextGet( CExtSafeString & strCopy ) const
Error Message..
Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable ’cNegNumFormatIndex’ was corrupted.
Art Wilkes
Aug 3, 2015 - 11:15 AM
Hyungu From support
Change this line of code
g_ResourceManager->GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_INEGNUMBER, &cNegNumFormatIndex, sizeof( cNegNumFormatIndex ) );
with this one:
g_ResourceManager->GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_INEGNUMBER, &cNegNumFormatIndex, sizeof( cNegNumFormatIndex ) / sizeof( TCHAR ) );
Prof-UIS Support
Alastair Watts
Jul 29, 2015 - 10:14 AM
I call PageSelectionSet() when using ON_CBN_SELCHANGE with a CExtCheckComboBox - which steals the focus and closes the ComboBox. How do I control which tab page is selected without losing focus?
Art Wilkes
Nov 5, 2015 - 9:42 AM
We are looking at this and should be back to you shortly.
Prof-UIS Support
carbone luca
Jul 29, 2015 - 4:33 AM
Hello, I downloaded the because I read that after 3.00 the Prof-UIS are ready for Windows 8 and 8.1 and VS2013 can be used... I used C_ProfUISDLL_1200.sln to compile "MBCS Win32" (bith debug and release). Well, using them on Windows 7 everything seems to be ok except the skin is not enabled: did you removed "CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Silver" one? More issues running on Windows 8: - Any toolbar derived by CExtToolControlbar seems to be properly loaded.
- Any bitmap loaded fits as on Windows 7 does.
Those two issues do not appear on Windows 7... Can you help me to understand what get wrong? Thank you, Cheers.
carbone luca
Jul 29, 2015 - 10:42 AM
I installed as suggested but I still have the same problem. I’ll check deeply what wrong loading skin. For other issues I’d like to add a picture but the related button does not work! Can I send you by email? Please provide a valide address. BR
Art Wilkes
Jul 29, 2015 - 8:23 AM
We did not remove any previous Theme. Look at the Profuis_Control and the Office 2010 Silver R2 Theme is on the UI toolbar. If the Theme is incorrect let us know and we will look at it. Also you should upgrade to as it has some minor theme corrections.
We are unsure about the next two statements as they appear to indicate everything is OK.
Prof-UIS Support
carbone luca
Jul 29, 2015 - 10:42 AM
I installed as suggested but I still have the same problem. I’ll check deeply what wrong loading skin. For other issues I’d like to add a picture but the related button does not work! Can I send you by email? Please provide a valide address. BR
Ron Zenner
Jul 15, 2015 - 4:53 AM
Hello, I downloaded the latest release yesterday. Today I want to compile the x64 unicode release and I got a lot of linker errors, because the code of the CExtPaintManager* - classes has mistakes: - constructors are missing - virtual functions are declared but not defined - ... (I haven’t checked all ...) Please fix this. Best regards R. Zenner, ILMCAD GmbH
Maik Schöpe
Apr 13, 2016 - 2:57 AM
Hello, The descripted problem also occurs in
Using the solution ProfUIS_1100_x64_System.sln and trying to build Unicode Debug leads to a lot of linking errors caused by some missing files:
ExtPaintManagerOffice.cpp ExtPaintManagerVisualStudio.cpp
Adding them to the project C_ProfUISDLL resolves the errors.
Art Wilkes
Jul 15, 2015 - 7:18 AM
Some of the projects shipped with release were missing files. Printmanager.cpp was broken into 4 file and only two were included in the project. We will be posting release later today with these and other problems corrected. Thanks for your patients Prof-UIS Support.
Jon Strembiski
Jul 14, 2015 - 11:59 AM
I just downloaded and installed Prof-UIS and built it with VS2010. After adding in some missing CPP files to the C_ProfUISDLL_1000 solution I found some missing resource files. Specifically:
Res2013office\\Res2013office.rc ResProfUIS\\ResProfUIS.rc ResVisualStudioS\\ResVisualStudio.rc ResWindows_OS\\ResWindows_OS.rc
Can you let me know where I can get these missing files from? There were not installed by the EXE installer to the include\resources folder.
Jon Strembiski
Jul 14, 2015 - 11:23 PM
I will watch for the new release tomorrow. I only came across these missing files when I was getting some asserts in my code while trying to use the new themes. I found that Include\Resources\Resource.rc had a section to not include resources for the themes I wanted to use and figured changing that section to look like the following would solve the problem, but it just highlighted the missing RC files I mentioned earlier.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Themes Defines //#define __EXT_MFC_NO_OFFICE2007 //#define __EXT_MFC_NO_OFFICE2010 //#define __EXT_MFC_NO_OFFICE2013 #define __EXT_MFC_NO_PROFUIS_THEMES //#define __EXT_MFC_NO_VISUALSTUDIO //#define __EXT_MFC_NO_WINDOWS_OS
I will grab the new release and try it out tomorrow and let you know if I run into any more trouble with it.
Art Wilkes
Jul 14, 2015 - 12:47 PM
Hi I don’t think these files are required. They are not on my system files list. We probably need to revise the 2010 project. I don’t think we use these files any more. I’ll run a compile on the 2010 and get you off a new set of projects. I’m posting a new release tomorrow and this will be resolved in that release. Prof-UIS Support
Christian Dangl
Apr 30, 2015 - 5:48 AM
Art Wilkes
Jul 16, 2015 - 10:37 PM
Comment this lines of code
// if ( ( !_IsFadeOutAnimation() ) // && m_ctrlShadow.GetSafeHwnd() != NULL // ) // m_ctrlShadow.DestroyWindow();
from "CExtPopupMenuWnd::_EndSequenceEx" and "CExtPopupMenuWnd::_EndSequence".
Prof-UIS Support
Fabio Ermotti
Apr 20, 2015 - 9:38 AM
Using CExtPopupMenuWnd in the systemTray, sometimes the application throw an unhandled exception. It seems that there isn’t any direct action that causes the problem.
I put the CExtPopupMenuWnd::_EndSequenceEx() content in a try-catch block to avoid this. Anybody know something about this problem?
Art Wilkes
Jul 16, 2015 - 10:36 PM
Comment this lines of code
// if ( ( !_IsFadeOutAnimation() ) // && m_ctrlShadow.GetSafeHwnd() != NULL // ) // m_ctrlShadow.DestroyWindow();
from "CExtPopupMenuWnd::_EndSequenceEx" and "CExtPopupMenuWnd::_EndSequence".
Prof-UIS Support
Feb 10, 2015 - 8:50 AM
Some pixels are missing in status bar when using ribbon bar and when maximising the window. We do not have this problem with 2.93, and we experienced that in 3.00 3.01. We can’t read text in the status bar. I think there is also the same on left and on all borders. You can reproduce the problem with the samples RibbonBar and RibbonBarMDI
is there a fix or a workaround for the problem.
Art Wilkes
Jul 16, 2015 - 10:34 PM
This fix is in the new elease Prof-UIS Support
Troy Wood
Jan 13, 2015 - 4:50 PM
Hello, I’ve created an MFC Dialog application based on the CExtResizableDialog class. During development, everything was great and there were no issues. One of the last tasks for this project is to override m_pszProfileName and point to an INI file to load/save application data (instead of the registry). I’ve done that and the application data is loaded and saved to/from this INI file (currently in FOLDERID_ProgramData or CommonAppData) successfully, but on exit the profuis300u.dll cashes trying to unload with what appears to be a heap corruption issue (according to Visual Studio debugger). If I revert the application back to using the registry for it’s local app data, then it does not crash and exits cleanly so clearly this is the issue.
I’ve made sure there is no call in the application to EnableSaveRestore and went as far as to add DisableSaveRestore with no change. It would seem this is a persistence issue of ProfUIS, but I do not know where/how to correct this.
Troy Wood
Jan 14, 2015 - 10:33 AM
Thank you Art, it was my oversight of the _tcsdup() function when setting the m_pszProfileName string. All is working now-
Art Wilkes
Jan 14, 2015 - 9:33 AM
Please advise the coder to pay attention to the “m_pszProfileName” allocation. Must be “m_pszProfileName = _tcsdup(“your ini file”)” or it must be set to NULL on exit instance before calling base class.
Jon Ort
Dec 4, 2014 - 9:49 AM
I believe I have uncovered what appears to be a fairly serious defect in Prof-UIS. I discovered it in version 3.00 and have verified that it exists in 3.01 and at least as far back as 2.93.
If a message box is displayed in a modal dialog box OnOK method that causes returning from the method without closing the dialog (not calling base OnOK) the parent dialog is no longer modal after closing the message box.
I have recreated the issue using the Skinable sample program provided with Prof-UIS. In ...\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtColorDlg.cpp modify void CExtColorDlg::OnOK() to add the following 2 lines right after the ASSERT_VALID macro. if (ProfUISMsgBox(NULL, "The file already exists. Overwrite?", "Confirm choice", MB_YESNO) == IDNO) return;
The method should look thus: void CExtColorDlg::OnOK() { ASSERT_VALID( this ); if (ProfUISMsgBox(NULL, "The file already exists. Overwrite?", "Confirm choice", MB_YESNO) == IDNO) return;
_ColorModelSave(); __BASEOF_CExtColorDlg__::OnOK(); }
Recompile the libraries and Skinable and run it. We use the following configurations in our system so I used them here as well. Static ANSI Debug RDE with MFC DLL Static ANSI Debug with MFC DLL
Under the Modal Dialogs panel click on "Color selection dialog..." The Select color ... dialog is displayed. Note that it is modal - you can’t click anywhere else. Click OK. The message box is displayed. Click No. The message box closes and the Select color dialog remains, but it no longer modal. You can open another Select color dialog and/or do anything else in the Skinable application.
Now, comment out the message box call but leave the return statement. Recompile the libraries and Skinable and run it. Under the Modal Dialogs panel click on "Color selection dialog..." The Select color ... dialog is displayed. Note that it is modal - you can’t click anywhere else. Click OK. No message box is displayed but the Select color dialog remains - and is still modal. You must close it with Cancel to continue working with Skinable.
It appears to be legal to return from OnOK requiring the user to fix a problem on the dialog but you can’t tell them what’s wrong using a message box. This seems like a rather serious defect. Am I doing something incorrectly or is this indeed a defect?
Art Wilkes
Dec 8, 2014 - 9:00 AM
Use m_hWnd as messagebox parent:
if ( ProfUISMsgBox(m_hWnd, "The file already exists. Overwrite?", "Confirm choice", MB_YESNO) == IDNO ) return;
Prof-UIS Support
Art Wilkes
Dec 4, 2014 - 10:08 AM
Thanks We have referred this to our support group for disposition. Prof-UIS
Darlene Gariepy
Dec 2, 2014 - 3:12 PM
If an application has fewer control bars when its layout was loaded than it did when the layout was saved, it will crash. One of our applications has a few control bars that get dynamically created after the program has started. The following workflow will cause the Prof library to crash: - - Launch the application
- - Create the dynamic control bars
- - Save the layout
- - Close and re-launch the application
- - Load the layout
The crash is caused because the layout contains information on control bars that do not exist when the layout is being loaded. The following patch will fix the crash:
*** E:/2.9.2/Src/ExtControlBar.cpp Fri Nov 07 11:25:58 2014
--- E:/2.9.2/Src/ExtControlBar_old.cpp Wed Oct 15 14:48:42 2014
*** 4263,4277 ****
for( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
InternalDockStateBar * pState =
- //Don’t try to load the state if this control bar does not exist.
- if (m_pDockSite->GetControlBar(pState->m_nBarID) == NULL)
- continue;
pState->PostSyncAttributes( m_pDockSite, NULL );
if( pState->m_dwDockStateFlags & InternalDockStateBar::__STATE_FLOATING )
ASSERT_VALID( pState->m_pHelperBar );
CExtMiniDockFrameWnd * pMiniFrame = STATIC_DOWNCAST( CExtMiniDockFrameWnd, pState->m_pHelperBar->GetParentFrame() );
--- 4263,4272 ----
*** 5524,5549 ****
CExtDynTabControlBar * pTabbedBar =
- const LONG itemCount = pTabbedBar->GetSwitcherItemCount();
- if (m_nHelperAciveTabChildIndex < itemCount)
- {
LONG nSel =
if( nSel != m_nHelperAciveTabChildIndex
&& m_nHelperAciveTabChildIndex >= 0
&& pTabbedBar->GetBarAt(m_nHelperAciveTabChildIndex,true)->IsVisible()
- }
#ifdef _DEBUG
INT nChildsCount = (INT)m_arrChildStates.GetSize();
INT nRealDockedCount =
--- 5519,5539 ----
Art Wilkes
Jul 16, 2015 - 10:35 PM
The fix for this is listed above. Prof-UIS Support