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Nov 21, 2014 - 12:04 PM
I use a page Container, and I would like to have an auto hide scrollbar. When I use option __EPCWS_USE_SCROLLBAR_CTRL, the scroll bar is always displayed even if there is nothing to scroll.
is there an option, to have auto hide scrollbar?
do I need to put my container within a CExtScrollWnd?
I would appreciate any ideas around this.
Many thanks in advance.
Art Wilkes
Nov 24, 2014 - 9:16 AM
Auto scroll feature isn’t present in page container. An idea is to use a custom drawing scroll bar like in “PageContainer” sample from profuis samples (see attachment). The image was send via email. Prof-UIS Support
Art Wilkes
Nov 21, 2014 - 12:36 PM
Hi I’ll send this on to the support group. You should hear back from us in a couple of days. Thanks Prof-UIS
Vladimir Kamensky
Nov 6, 2014 - 3:19 PM
Hello! Please, can you provide solution and project files for the Visual Studio 2005? I’m upgraded from version 2.81 to 3.01, my project compiled under Visual Studio 2005. I’m tried to compile Prof-UIS 3.01 in VS 2010, but can’t link Prof-UIS 3.01 library compiled in VS 2010 with my application, which is compiled in VS 2005.
Vladimir Kamensky
Nov 7, 2014 - 11:18 AM
Art Wilkes
Nov 7, 2014 - 8:23 AM
We are providing you with a 2005-2008 library. This will be posted on our dropbox account and you will be given a key via an email. Prof-UIS Support
Vladimir Kamensky
Nov 7, 2014 - 11:19 AM
Bond Developer
Oct 20, 2014 - 12:17 PM
Just wondering the disposition of this. Didn’t get a response via e-mail or on the other topic thread, so I thought I’d try in a fresh thread.
Art Wilkes
Oct 25, 2014 - 9:11 AM
We are still working on this. The developer who could fix this has a hardware limitation at the moment. Prof-UIS Support.
Bond Developer
Oct 27, 2014 - 11:08 PM
Thanks very much for the reply. This helps quite a bit when my superiors ask me for status of such things.
Darlene Gariepy
Oct 14, 2014 - 10:36 AM
A bug in CExtPopupColorMenuWnd::_DoPaint prevents a colour defined as 32-bit from being drawn properly in the popup window. The bug was found in Prof 2.9.2, but I have looked at the source code for 3.0.1 and it appears to still be an issue. The following is the fix (around line 21812 of ExtPopupMenuWnd.cpp v3.0.1): This: _ppbd.m_bHelperColorCellButton = true;
PmBridge_GetPM()->PaintPushButton( dc, _ppbd );
rcItem.DeflateRect(, );
dc.FillSolidRect( &rcItem, _GetColorValue( nIdx ) );
dc.Draw3dRect( &rcItem, clrColorBorder,clrColorBorder ); Should be changed to this: _ppbd.m_bHelperColorCellButton = true;
PmBridge_GetPM()->PaintPushButton( dc, _ppbd );
rcItem.DeflateRect(, );
const COLORREF fillColour = _GetColorValue(nIdx) & ~0xFF000000;
dc.FillSolidRect( &rcItem, fillColour );
dc.Draw3dRect( &rcItem, clrColorBorder,clrColorBorder );
Art Wilkes
Oct 15, 2014 - 9:35 AM
This change has been verified and will appear in release 3.030. Prof-UIS Support.
mediatime Conseil
Sep 25, 2014 - 6:01 AM
I am using profuis et profskin in a dll project and it’s working without any problem... I am trying to add the cppnetlib to my project and it seems that it prevent profuis dlls from loading correctly. I used cppnetlib and profuix in a normal (exe) project and its working well. I am using vs 2013 and profuis 3.0
the errors I have are :
First assertion :
Program: C:\Windows\system32\mfc120d.dll File: f:\dd\vctools\vc7libs\ship\atlmfc\src\mfc\dllinit.cpp Line: 687
Second : Program: C:\Windows\system32\mfc120d.dll File: f:\dd\vctools\vc7libs\ship\atlmfc\src\mfc\dllmodul.cpp Line: 130
Third and exit when I try to call a skinned dialog in the ExtResiazableDialog.cpp : bool bUpdateBarsOnThisMsg = false; if( m_bEnabledControlBarUpdate ) { CWinApp * pApp = AfxGetApp(); ASSERT( pApp != NULL ); BOOL bIdleMsg = pApp->IsIdleMessage( #if _MFC_VER < 0x700 &pApp->m_msgCur #else &(::AfxGetThreadState()->m_msgCur) #endif ); if( bIdleMsg ) bUpdateBarsOnThisMsg = true; }
pApp is null so the program continue breaking : Second Chance Assertion Failed: File f:\dd\vctools\vc7libs\ship\atlmfc\src\mfc\winocc.cpp, Line 201
Do you have any advice to how i can resolve this?? it may be a preprocessor definition I ommit or may be the ccpnetlib is disabling a preprocessor used in profuix?
in my program i am using : CExt_ProfUIS_ModuleState::InitExtension(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CExt_ProfSkin_ModuleState::InitExtension(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
Thank you
Art Wilkes
Jul 16, 2015 - 9:58 PM
Hi I did not see any additional post so reviewed our email and found the following request from support. Please send a demo as we are not experiencing the problem.
Christian Dangl
Sep 24, 2014 - 5:17 AM
Hello a.) Is it possible to have e.g. one maindialog having a ribbonbar and then start another dialog showing a different ribbonbar. Within our solution we get heap corruption when deleting the second ribbonbar and the solution breaks or when closing the second dialog, the first ribbonbar gets disturbed and no longer gets paint correctly. b.) Futhermore does a ribbonbar work inside any type of CWnd derived class. Or is there need to have a specific CFrameWnd or CDialog type of class as parent ? Patrick
Art Wilkes
Sep 24, 2014 - 10:15 AM
This was answered in a separate email with an example
Build the sample and press the ‘Paste’ button on the ribbon: another ribbon dialog will open.
Prof-UIS Support
maruyama a
Sep 5, 2014 - 11:58 AM
Dear SupportTeam
Application becomes slow overall where it was upgraded to Prof-UIS3.01 from Prof-UIS2.87 (This is in the release version) For example, when a window becomes active , when a child window is created ... etc.
As a result of investigating the cause, it became quickly by replacing the source of the Prof-UIS3.01 from Prof-UIS2.87 the location of the following ExtPaintManager.cpp.
Prof-UIS3.01 ExtPaintManager.cpp(3283)
bool CExtPaintManager::NcFrame_IsSupported(
const CWnd * pWnd,
LPARAM lParam // = 0L
) const
if( pWnd->GetSafeHwnd() == NULL )
return false;
// if( g_PaintManager.m_DWM.IsCompositionEnabled() )
// return false;
// if( ! g_PaintManager.m_UxTheme.IsNonClientThemed() )
// return false;
// if( ! g_PaintManager.m_UxTheme.IsControlsThemed() )
// return false;
// if( ! g_PaintManager.m_UxTheme.IsAppThemed() )
// return false;
return true;
Prof-UIS2.87 ExtPaintManager.cpp(3587)
bool CExtPaintManager::NcFrame_IsSupported(
const CWnd * pWnd,
LPARAM lParam // = 0L
) const
return false;
Incidentally,I asked earlier will also be solved by modifying as described above Question1CExtPaintManager::NcFrame_IsSupported() function do they determine what support? Question2If we made a modification of the above, any problems happens elsewhere? Question3Please tell me solutions to problem other than the above. (For example, how to set up a regular that do not support NCFrame) -------------------------------------------------------------- Development and operating environment Windows7 SP1 32bit (Japanese) VisualStuido2013 Update2 (Japanese) Prof-UISv3.01(mfc) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks.
Art Wilkes
Oct 25, 2014 - 9:09 AM
This change has been included in all new releases. We are not sure why this code was changed. Prof-UIS support.
maruyama a
Sep 1, 2014 - 3:12 AM
Dear support,
When upgraded to Prof-UIS3.01 from Prof-UIS2.87, as shown in the following figure, the frame and icon of the child window became strange. (Each theme of VisualStuido is strange similarly. The theme of Office is no problem. )
Please tell me the conceivable causes for that.
-------------------------------------------------------------- Development and operating environment Windows7 SP1 32bit (Japanese) VisualStuido2013 Update2 (Japanese) Prof-UISv3.01(mfc) ----------------------------------------------------------------
Art Wilkes
Oct 25, 2014 - 9:06 AM
This apparently is a MBCS implementation and we recommend Unicode for Japanese. This customer can’t change the app easily to Unicode and we are working with him. Prof-UIS Support
Adrian Ineichen
Aug 26, 2014 - 7:33 AM
Hi We encountered a possible access to class member with a zero pointer reference. It happens in method BOOL CExtResizableDialog::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) where you just access ::AfxGetThread()->m_nThreadID. As Microsoft states, since C++ .NET this version can return zero (0) in case no thread was found (before it internally called ’AfxGettApp()’ in that case). For the method GetKeyboardLayout, for which the thread ID is used in this case, accepts an ID of zero (0) as parameter value, we changed the code to the following: DWORD threadID(0);
threadID = ::AfxGetThread()->m_nThreadID;
HKL hKeyboardLayout = ::GetKeyboardLayout(threadID); The last ProfUIS version we checked this with is: 3.0 Best regards and thank you for your attention. Christian Herger
Art Wilkes
Aug 26, 2014 - 9:31 AM
Prof-UIS Support We are reviewing this.
Thanks for the post
maruyama a
Aug 25, 2014 - 1:07 PM
Dear support,
We have developed a kind of paint software. However, it can not to write a curve by a delay of 0.5 seconds that occur in the following places. ExtNcFrame.cpp(1562) :
UINT nSHR = (UINT)::SHAppBarMessage( ABM_GETSTATE, &_data );
As a result of investigating, delay has occurred by the following flow. 1. Application that we are developing is to display the mouse position in the status bar. Because of this, the application running the SetPaneText () whenever the mouse moves. 2. By SetPaneText(), CExtStatusControlBar :: OnPaint () occurs frequently. 3. By the frequent occurrence of OnPaint (), WM_GETMINMAXINFO occurs continuously. 4. WM_GETMINMAXINFO occurs slightly after the window is switched, a delay of about 0.5 seconds occurs in SHAppBarMessage(). (0.001 seconds in other cases) Question1Problem is solved by the following, but What is the affect in this case? ExtStatusControlBar.cpp
if( pWndParentStatus != NULL )
::memset( (void*)&_wp, 0, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT) );
_wp.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
pWndParentStatus->GetWindowPlacement( &_wp );
if( _wp.showCmd != SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED
//&& (pWndParentStatus->GetStyle()&WS_BORDER) != 0
::memset( &_mmi, 0, sizeof(MINMAXINFO) );
CExtPaintManager::monitor_parms_t _mp;
CExtPaintManager::stat_GetMonitorParms( _mp, (CWnd*)pWndParentStatus );
_mmi.ptMaxPosition.x = _mp.m_rcWorkArea.left;
_mmi.ptMaxPosition.y =;
_mmi.ptMaxTrackSize.x = _mp.m_rcWorkArea.Width(); // ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXMAXTRACK );
_mmi.ptMaxTrackSize.y = _mp.m_rcWorkArea.Height(); // ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYMAXTRACK );
_mmi.ptMinTrackSize.x = ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXMINTRACK );
_mmi.ptMinTrackSize.y = ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYMINTRACK );
_mmi.ptMaxSize.x = _mmi.ptMaxTrackSize.x;
_mmi.ptMaxSize.y = _mmi.ptMaxTrackSize.y;
//if( ((CWnd*)pWndParentStatus)->SendMessage( WM_GETMINMAXINFO, 0, LPARAM(&_mmi) ) == 0 )
// if( _mmi.ptMinTrackSize.x < _mmi.ptMaxTrackSize.x
// || _mmi.ptMinTrackSize.y < _mmi.ptMaxTrackSize.y
// )
// {
// GetClientRect( &rcGrip );
// rcGrip.left = rcGrip.right - ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXVSCROLL );
// dc.ExcludeClipRect( &rcGrip );
} // if( ((CWnd*)pWndParentStatus)->SendMessage( WM_GETMINMAXINFO, 0, LPARAM(&_mmi) ) == 0 )
} // if( _wp.showCmd != SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED ...
} // if( pWndParentStatus != NULL )
Question2Please tell me how to resolve other than Question1. -------------------------------------------------------------- Development and operating environment Windows7 SP1 32bit (Japanese) VisualStuido2013 Update2 (Japanese) Prof-UISv3.01(mfc) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks.
Art Wilkes
Aug 27, 2014 - 9:10 AM
Hi The time frame for another solution of this problem is about Sept 10,2014. Prof-UIS Support.
Art Wilkes
Aug 25, 2014 - 1:44 PM
Hi; The support group will look at your problem in the next day or two. I’ll get back with you when I have there report. Prof-UIS Suport
Rado Manzela
Aug 10, 2014 - 7:07 AM
I’ve translated my application to two langages. Now I use
g_ResourceManager->SetLangIdDesired(...); to set the language. The problem is that now the language settings in applied not only to strings saved in resources, but also to number formats used to display currency and numeric values. I think these settings should be separated, because nobody is able to translate application to all languages so many users wants to select some language close to their region, but have number formats of their region, set in the windows control panel. Any idea about this?
Art Wilkes
Aug 11, 2014 - 4:34 PM
From the Support Group Seems that the client has a point here; but I don’t see a mode to provide a solution without modifying existing functionality (extending). I’ll continue looking at that but it seems a small development it is need it to accomplish number and string separate management. Prof-UIS Support We will try to include this in the 3.20 release due sometime this month. I get better timing late this week. Thanks
Rado Manzela
Aug 10, 2014 - 6:58 AM
You have bug in void CExtEditSystemCurrency::_Init() at multiple places:
C:\work\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtEdit.cpp(4484): g_ResourceManager->GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_INEGNUMBER, &cNegNumFormatIndex, sizeof( cNegNumFormatIndex ) / sizeof(TCHAR) );
C:\work\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtEdit.cpp(4515): g_ResourceManager->GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_IDIGITS, &cNoOfDigitsAfterDecimal, sizeof( cNoOfDigitsAfterDecimal ) / sizeof(TCHAR) );
C:\work\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtEdit.cpp(4519): g_ResourceManager->GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_ILZERO, &cDisplayLeadingZeros, sizeof( cDisplayLeadingZeros ) / sizeof(TCHAR) );
C:\work\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtEdit.cpp(7172): g_ResourceManager->GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_ICURRENCY, &cPosCurFormatIndex, sizeof( cPosCurFormatIndex ) / sizeof(TCHAR) );
C:\work\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtEdit.cpp(7209): g_ResourceManager->GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS, &cNoOfDigitsAfterDecimal, sizeof( cNoOfDigitsAfterDecimal ) / sizeof(TCHAR) );
C:\work\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtEdit.cpp(7213): g_ResourceManager->GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_ILZERO, &cDisplayLeadingZeros, sizeof( cDisplayLeadingZeros ) / sizeof(TCHAR) );
You are incorrectly providing buffer for the output. You have correctly implemented getting value of LOCALE_INEGCURR for negative currency format, but incorrectly LOCALE_ICURRENCY so the edit box displays positive numbers incorrectly.
Art Wilkes
Aug 11, 2014 - 4:36 PM
We need more (specific) information. What is going wrong with LOCALE_ICURRENCY ? Prof-UIS Support.
Rado Manzela
Aug 12, 2014 - 11:06 AM
Problem is with the buffer size, you need to provide 2 character buffer because of trailing null character, just check how do you get value of LOCALE_INEGCURR
Art Wilkes
Aug 11, 2014 - 4:36 PM
We need more (specific) information. What is going wrong with LOCALE_ICURRENCY ? Prof-UIS Support.
Daniel Dupre
Jul 24, 2014 - 1:54 AM
I am trying to make a preview image CExtControlBar in an MDI application that maintains aspect while resizing, is that possible, or should I try a different approach?
Daniel Dupre
Aug 1, 2014 - 2:21 AM
Ok, no one has an idea... The problem I am running into is that I am using a CExtControlBar, I could check the aspect if I could get the WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE WM_EXITSIZEMOVE messages, but they seem to be getting intercepted before I can get them.
Dominic Tioseco
Jul 21, 2014 - 2:25 PM
Hi Regarding CExtGridWnd
We have a CExtGridWnd-derived class with different types of cells. The cells in one or more columns have different types depending on the choice from a previous combo-box column.
Now when a grid cell column assumes a CExtGridCellString type, it looks normal and the user is able to edit it.
But one thing we notice is that the left and right arrow keys are not operational (as when editing an edit cell, you want to go back a few characters using the left arrow key). Is there a particular flag in CExtGridCellString that would enable the left and right arrow keys?
Art Wilkes
Jul 22, 2014 - 9:17 AM
Dominic In ProfUIS_Controls demo application from Profuis samples you have an entire column of CExtGridCellString type (text column). The left and right arrow are working just fine. Please compare with your code if the arrows in ProfUIS_Controls are working for you. Prof-UIS Support
Art Wilkes
Jul 21, 2014 - 2:41 PM
Hi We have submitted this problem to our support group. You should hear in a few days. Prof-UIS Support.
Bill Olson
Jul 8, 2014 - 11:05 PM
I have run into a problem with the title bar on skinned child windows in an MDI program.
The child class is declared as:
class CChildMyFrame : public CExtNCW < CMDIChildWnd >
In some situations, I need to turn off the title bar to the child windows, and other times I need it turned on. I was able to turn off everything on the bar including the title, but I couldn’t get it to go away. According to everything I found, turning off WS_CAPTION turns off the bar.
I set up an experimental Prof-UIS program and found that I could shut off the bar with ModifyStyle when the chile frame was not declared with CExtNCW. When the CExtNCW was added, the test program had the same behavior I saw in my application.
There appears to be something in CExtNCW that needs to be called to turn off the title bar.
Examining the Prof-UIS code, it looks like the following should work to dynamically shut off the title bar:
CWnd * pWndFrameImpl = (CWnd *)NcFrameImpl_GetFrameWindow();
pWndFrameImpl->ModifyStyle(WS_CAPTION, 0, SWP_FRAMECHANGED);
But it doesn’t do anything visible.
How do I shut off the title bar for MDI child frames skinned with CExtNCW?
Art Wilkes
Jul 9, 2014 - 10:48 AM
Seems that CExtNCW problems are more than one ;).
Overwrite “NcFrameImpl_IsSupported” in “CChildMyFrame” like this:
bool CChildMyFrame::NcFrameImpl_IsSupported() const { if (!__super::NcFrameImpl_IsSupported()) return false;
if ((GetStyle()&WS_CAPTION) == 0); return false;
return true; }
Prof-UIS Support
Art Wilkes
Jul 9, 2014 - 9:18 AM
We will look at this in the next couple of days.
Prof-UIS Support
Dominic Tioseco
Jun 26, 2014 - 2:01 PM
I am trying to solve the problem about text being clipped in high DPI screens particularly 144 DPI.
I have downloaded your latest samples for ProfUIS 3.0.1. I have two of your demo applications for example: FilteredGrids and Prof-UIS Controls using tab containers.
In 144 DPI, the tab texts are clipped although there is a type of tab text (in the Prof-UIS Controls demo lower portion) that does not get clipped.
I want to know if there is a quick fix for this, one that I can change in your source code instead of overriding the OnTabWndDrawItem and changing the font size in my own code. The following are the demo applications mentioned, in 144 DPI -- notice the tab texts being clipped although in the second example the lower tab texts are not clipped.
Dominic (developer)
Vorum Research Corporation |