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Offer Har
Oct 2, 2008 - 5:52 PM
Technical Support
Oct 6, 2008 - 1:01 PM
We used the same test project:
You can fing the following line of code in the CMainFrame::OnCommandReopen() method: m_wndResizableBar.SetInitDesirdSizeFloating(CSize(200, 300)); The following line of code is also present in the CMainFrame::OnCreate() method: m_wndResizableBar.SetInitDesiredSizeFloating( CSize( 400, 300 ) ); So, the initial floating window’s width is 400 and the re-open width is 200 . We tried to change the initial width to larger values ( 1000 ) and the tree grid control was still OK. The columns are resized proportionally.
Offer Har
Oct 6, 2008 - 1:03 PM
Where you able to reproduce the bug? It is very clean and no extra coding is required. I do not understand you answer, please explain - did you fix the bug? did you find a way to bypass the bug?
Technical Support
Oct 8, 2008 - 2:29 PM
We didn’t fix it because we failed to reproduce it. Could you send a compiled release version of this test project to us?
Offer Har
Oct 8, 2008 - 2:34 PM
All you have to do is to repeat the steps I explain in the original post on your original demo application you sent me - it is that simple...