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Seth Strong
Jan 5, 2007 - 8:12 AM
I have a program with the following glitch. In the glitch I have a View for an SDI, and a controlbar with a dialog.
When a controlbar is going into hiding (it is pinned and the mouse is moved away), if I move my mouse back over the control bar, the dialog components, buttons, labels, et cetera, become visible but the dialog does not. It is as if, the dialog itself is being clipped by the view but the dialog components don’t know that. The biggest problem with that is that the controlbar is not hidden, the borders are now invisible so the user cannot quickly see what to do to make it go away, and there are orphaned buttons floating over the view.
Can you help me by giving me an idea of where to troubleshoot this problem? My impression is that I am overlooking a relationship between your controlbar and the client region of the view.
Thanks, Seth
Seth Strong
Jan 5, 2007 - 8:32 AM
An additional symptom is that when a controlbar is going to hide it disappears, and then as it is sliding away it reappears so it looks like a stutter.
Seth Strong
Jan 5, 2007 - 9:40 AM
Problem solved. I forgot the add the clip siblings style to the view.