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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » What type of bitmap in toolbar Collapse All
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Pierre MEDART May 25, 2007 - 7:36 AM


We are migrating an old MFC application that has been extensively developped in VC6.

The bitmaps in the toolbar look outdated (256 colors). What bitmaps (colors, bits, etc, ;;;) have we to use to have "nice" icons in the toolbars?

Technical Support May 28, 2007 - 9:42 AM

We would recommend you switch to 32-bit bitmaps, in which 24 bits are used for colors and 8 bits for setting transparency. So you need to replace an existing bitmap resource with a new 32-bit bitmap resource and recompile your project.

The only problem is that you cannot do this using Visual Studio, which does not support true color images. You cannot do this with mspaint either. Here is how you can achieve this. Use Adobe Photoshop or a similar raster image editor that allows you to create nice images with transparency. If the editor supports 32-bit bitmap images (Adobe does not), that’s all. If not, save the image as a png image (png supports transparency). Use some tool that converts png images to 32-bit bimaps (e.g Axialis IconWorkshop).