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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Version 2.54 does not build with Visual Studio 6 Collapse All
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Ferdinand Rios Jul 23, 2006 - 9:36 PM

The integration wizard cannot build at all (no log files created) and
attempting to build manually using the workspace causes many errors.
C:\Program Files\FOSS Software Inc\Prof-UIS\ProfAuto\ExtAutoCategories.cpp(65) : error C2668: ’InlineIsEqualGUID’ : ambiguous call to overloaded function
Since there are no dependencies set at the workspace it is hard to gauge what has to build before what.

Build 2.51 worked fine. Please advise. Can you update the Integration wizard?

Ferdinand Rios Jul 23, 2006 - 10:08 PM

Thought I’ll add some lines from the build report:

    REPORT FILE [7-23-2006, 20:57]

Library build for Visual Studio 98 (Win32 platform)
    Build "ProfUIS254nd - ANSI/Debug (ProfUISDLL - Win32 ANSI Debug)" - failed
    Output file: "C:\Program Files\FOSS Software Inc\Prof-UIS\Bin_600\ProfUIS254nd.lib"
    0 errors, 0 warnings
    Report file: "C:\Program Files\FOSS Software Inc\Prof-UIS\Bin_600\ANSIDebug\ProfUISDLL\buildlog.htm"

Library build for Visual Studio 98 (Win32 platform)
    Build "ProfUIS254n - ANSI/Release (ProfUISDLL - Win32 ANSI Release)" - failed
    Output file: "C:\Program Files\FOSS Software Inc\Prof-UIS\Bin_600\ProfUIS254n.lib"
    0 errors, 0 warnings
    Report file: "C:\Program Files\FOSS Software Inc\Prof-UIS\Bin_600\ANSIRelease\ProfUISDLL\buildlog.htm"

The report files mentioned don’t actually exists.

Technical Support Jul 24, 2006 - 4:08 AM

We guess you have some newer Platform SDK installed on your computer. This may cause problems like described in your message. Please invoke the Tools | Options menu in Visual C++ 6.0 and select the Directories tab. Check the Include files list for all the newer Platform SDKs that should be moved to the bottom of the list.