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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Using outer rows in CExtReportGrid... Collapse All
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David Skok Nov 3, 2006 - 12:32 PM

Is it possible? I tried it and any outer rows added mimic the column headings. Furthermore, if I click on the real column heading an assertion is thrown. I assume attempting a sort on that column.

Technical Support Nov 7, 2006 - 7:45 AM

There is no support for displaying outer rows in the report grid in Prof-UIS. We can consider your question as a feature request but could you let us know why you need additional outer rows at top/bottom?

David Skok Nov 7, 2006 - 9:10 AM

Short answer:
I don’t have to have outer rows/columns in report grids, I could switch to CExtGridWnds when I do.

Long answer:
An app that I am writing has many tabular displays. When I learned how to apply CExtReportGridWnd I felt that it was easier for me to use because when data it displays is edited from the outside it is easier to locate the cell to update if any sorting has been done. I don’t always permit use of all the features of the ReportGrid (ex. Group Sort) but I use it anyway. I assumed that CExtReportGridWnd could do anything that CExtGridWnd could do. Are outer columns and rows the only thing CExtReportGridWnds can’t do that CExtGridWnds can? If there are other features could you please list them. If they are the only feature missing and you add them then it might be convenient for a user to just always use the ReportGridWnd in this case. Of course there is a hit in code size if all the features of CExtReportGridWnd are not required but it is still used. Just a suggestion.

Technical Support Nov 7, 2006 - 12:04 PM

The CExtGridWnd and CExtTreeGridWnd classes have the following features not available in CExtReportGridWnd:

1) Outer cell areas.

2) Virtual scrolling with an unknown row/column number and cacheable scrolling features demonstrated in the AdoRecordsetView sample (CExtGridWnd only).

3) Custom tree structure (CExtTreeGridWnd only).

The outer cell areas can actually be supported in the report grid control. This is just a "not yet implemented" feature. We can code row header cells on left/right in some of the next versions but we we would like to additionally discuss the issue of column header cells at top/bottom if you need this.

David Skok Nov 7, 2006 - 1:11 PM

Thanks for the comparison.

In one report I had planned on using 2 left outer columns for a fixed row label and a fixed column of data. If it worked out I was going to use static row labels (outer columns) in some others. I actually didn’t have any planned use for outter rows but I thought If it was available I’d find a use for it but I can probably live without it.

You mention that outter cells are not available in the CExtTreeGridWnd classes. A sample project that you posted here quite some time ago called test_tree_grid_idea (a very nice sample) includes outer columns on the left and right. That’s where I got the idea that they would be supported in CExtReportGridWnd.