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Offer Har
Jan 26, 2008 - 6:23 AM
I need to implement a tree grid with 100,000 rows - is it possible?
Thanks, Ron.
Technical Support
Jan 26, 2008 - 12:09 PM
100,000 rows is quite a lot If you insert these rows at once during initialization of the tree grid window, this will take quite a time. So you should initialize the tree grid window on the fly. First, insert top level items which are children of the root item. Each of this item should be collapsed and has one child item with text Expanding.... You can override CExtTreeGridWnd::ItemExpand() which should remove the single item of the currently expanding item and insert new required items. If you have 100,000 rows then you should carefully analyze your task and implement some filtered data displaying. For instance, some combo box and/or set of other controls should allow you to choose which data to see in the tree grid window. As a result, the number of rows in tree grid should be several times less and even in this case you may still need to use dynamic data displaying in the tree grid.