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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Text On CExtProgressWnd Collapse All
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Vrinda Savargaonkar May 29, 2007 - 7:08 AM

Dear Sir

I am using prof uis 2.70 .

I want to put some text on CExtProgressWnd during progress similar to

CExtGridCellProgress * pCellProgress1;
pCellProgress1->TextSet( _T("Some Text : ") );

i.e. methods similar to CExtGridCellProgress for CExtProgressWnd .
How can I do this ?

Can you suggest any code ? so that at least I can display some text on CExtProgressWnd during progress .


Technical Support May 29, 2007 - 10:35 AM

CExtProgressWnd is a skinned version of the progress common control so it does not introduce any new features but the skinned look. If you need some text before the progress, you could create the static text control before it and subclass it with a CExtLabel variable.