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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Tab Container Drag & Drop issues. Collapse All
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Neville Franks Oct 26, 2006 - 8:21 PM

1) When you drag & drop a tab the mouse cursor should change to a drag & drop cursor.

2) Drag & drop with CSGTabMdiOneNoteWnd and variable width tabs is quite difficult to use as the mouse cursor isn’t necessarily on the Tab being dragged. This happens when you drag a narrow tab over a wider tab. Also the highlighted (dark border) Tab changes as you drag. It is all very confusing to the user. A better implementation might be to change the mouse cursor to an image of the tab being dragged with an I insertion point. IE 7 works a bit like this, but doesn’t include an image of the tab.

3) I’d like to see an option to include a [x] close image on Tabs. I especially like the way IE7 works in that only the current Tab has an [x]. This saves space and has the advantage of making the current Tab easier to identify.

Technical Support Oct 27, 2006 - 9:27 AM

1) The behavior is absolutely the same as in the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. You can create a CExtTabWnd-derived class and handle the WM_SETCURSOR message yourself. When the m_bDragging property is true, the tab is being dragged and you can change the mouse cursor.

2) We can regard this as a feature request.

3) This feature is already in our To-Do list.