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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Skin Question Collapse All
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Ed Kennedy Jul 29, 2007 - 7:17 PM

Is there a way to determine if the app has a skin loaded and which skin?



Technical Support Jul 30, 2007 - 4:00 AM

Yes, you can determine which paint manager is loaded by using the g_PaintManager.GetPaintManagerName() API or by its run time class. If your application is skinnable (i.e. you are using the ProfSkinPainter paint manager), it is not not possible to determine which skin file is loaded nor it is possible to determine which kind of skin was loaded (binary or XML).

Suhai Gyorgy Jul 30, 2007 - 1:54 AM

Support’s answer to a similar question:

You can do this with g_PaintManager.GetPaintManagerName(), which returns a name of the current paint manager. The returned value is of the CExtPaintManager::e_paint_manager_name_t enumeration type:
<pre><code>enum e_paint_manager_name_t
    Office2000            = 29901,
    OfficeXP            = 29902,
    Office2003            = 29903,
    Office2003NoThemes        = 29904,
    Studio2005            = 29905,
    NativeXP            = 29906,
    Office2007_R1        = 29907,
    Office2007_R2_LunaBlue    = 29908,
    Office2007_R2_Obsidian    = 29909,
    Office2007_R2_Silver        = 29910,
    Office2007_R3_LunaBlue    = 29911,
    Office2007_R3_Obsidian    = 29912,
    Office2007_R3_Silver        = 29913,
    ProfSkinPainter        = 29914,
This enumeration could have new members since then, check out in the source code.