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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Several Questions about CExtReportGridWnd Collapse All
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Sebastian Leopold May 4, 2008 - 2:23 PM

I have several Questions about the CExtReportGridWnd.

1. I dont want a double Border in the Gridheader cells. How can I disable that ?
2. How can I adjust the height of a row ?
3. How can I disable the deletion of columns, the grouping should be enabled. ???

Sebastian Leopold

Technical Support May 5, 2008 - 6:38 AM

We are working on some 2007 style adjustments for report grid’s header cells. The following code changes the height of a tree/report row

CExtReportGridItem * pRGI = . . .
INT nRowHeightInPixels = . . .
      VERIFY( pRGI->ExtentSet( nRowHeightInPixels ) );
You can use the __ERGS_KEEP_COLUMNS_ACTIVE_ON_GROUPING report grid style (the CExtReportGridWnd::ReportGridGetStyle() and CExtReportGridWnd::ReportGridModifyStyle() methods) to make the report grid control keeping all the columns active when they are drag-n-dropped into the group area above the header area. You can apply the __EGCS_EX_KEEP_ACTIVE_ON_GROUPING extended cell style (the CExtGridCell::GetStyleEx() and methods) to a particular CExtReportGridColumn report grid header cells to make the keeping themselves active when the user drops them onto the group area.