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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Scrolling Problem with CExtTreeGridWnd Collapse All
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Krustys Donuts May 15, 2008 - 10:24 AM

I have a CExtTreeGridWnd object functioning fine except the scrolling feature. The scrollbars function fine except when I select a cell that is horizontally scrolled onto the screen. In this case, the scrollbars automatically reset such that the first column is displayed. For example, there are 20 columns in the grid. When viewing (done by scrolling) the 20th column, the 1st column is no longer visible. If I click on a cell in column 20, the H-scrollbar is set to the far left so that the 1st column is visible (and the 20th column is not visible.) I would like to prevent this auto-scrolling. I am using the __EGBS_SFB_FULL_ROWS feature. See grid styles below.


On a different note, I would like to fix the first three columns in grid. That is, when scrolling horizontally, only the last 17 columns scroll. Is this possible?







SiwModifyStyle( __ESIS_STH_PIXEL














SiwModifyStyleEx( __EGWS_EX_PM_COLORS,
























Krustys Donuts May 16, 2008 - 3:10 PM

After further testing, I found that overriding  the OnGbwDataDndIsAllowed method and returning a value of true causes the scrolling problem described in the initial email.  If I comment out this function, clicking on a cell in the far right column does not auto-scroll to the 1st column of the grid. Any thoughts?

As well, my tree grid has two layers of nodes. As it is now, when I double-click anywhere on the row of the top node, the node is collapsed or expanded. It there any way to limit the collapse/expand functionallity to the plus/minus button?



Technical Support May 15, 2008 - 1:15 PM

We believe the scrolling problem depends on some particular grid styles and/or overridden virtual methods. Could you try to re-produce it using this test project?

v.2.83, which is to be released in a few days supports, introduces frozen columns/rows. You can mark one column as frozen and it will not be scrollable.