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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Scrollbars in CExtResizableDialog Collapse All
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Brett Cook Oct 11, 2006 - 10:58 AM


Is it possible to have a scrollbar in a CExtResizableDialog to behave like a CFormView when the dialog is resized too small?


Technical Support Oct 11, 2006 - 12:54 PM

The CExtResizableDialog class is a skinned version of MFC’s CDialog class. It also allows you to anchor controls. The CFormView class is a kind of the CScrollView class with features of the CDialog class and scrolling support. The CExtResizableDialog class AS IS is unable to replace the form view class. You should use your own CScrollView-derived class (or CExtScrollWnd-derived) with the CExtResizableDialog inside. This class should scroll the child dialog if the window size is small and resize the child dialog if the window size is large. We can help you with coding this task.

Brett Cook Oct 11, 2006 - 5:36 PM

Yes, the solution you suggest would be ideal for my individual dialogs. Any help would be appreciated in getting started there.

Also, is it possible to have a scrollbar pop up when too many bars are docked into one control bar to allow scrolling of the entire bar. For example, I have 6 dialogs encapsulated by control bars that I dock vertically into one bar. When all six are there, there is not enough space to display them all, so having a way to scroll the entire bar would be ideal.


Technical Support Oct 12, 2006 - 12:54 PM

We coded a simple sample for you. It implements a scrollable container window for other windows like a test dialog used in this sample. The scrollable container is used as the SDI view window. If the container’s size is less than the initial size of its child window, scroll bars appear. Otherwise the child window is stretched to the client area of the container window and scroll bars are hidden. You can also use the scrollable container as a child of a control bar.

Brett Cook Oct 13, 2006 - 12:45 PM

Thank you for the sample you have provided, it will prove very useful.

Any word on the ability to throw up a scrollbar to scroll multiple side-by-side docked control bars?

Technical Support Oct 16, 2006 - 11:46 AM

Control bars can be organized into different layouts inside the main frame window or inside floating mini frame windows. In any case, the parent of any CExtControlBar window is the CDockBar dock bar window. The dock bars are not enabled for scrolling both in MFC and in Prof-UIS.