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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Ribbon bar font? Collapse All
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Robert Webb Jul 1, 2009 - 12:54 AM

Is there a way for the user to customise the font used in the ribbon bar (and/or the rest of the interface)?  Eg is it taken from a Windows settings?  It doesn’t appear to be.  If not, how is the font set via code?



Technical Support Jul 1, 2009 - 7:44 AM

The CExtRibbonPage::OnGetToolbarFont() virtual method provides the ribbon bar with a font. It’s an overridden version of the CExtToolControlBar::OnGetToolbarFont() virtual method. The CExtRibbonPage::OnGetToolbarFont() virtual method simply returns the CExtPaintManager::m_FontRibbonNormal font. So, you can simply change this font.