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Offer Har
Jan 8, 2007 - 11:26 AM
Dear Support.
I have a docking bar, which can be floating.
The user can open the bar and close it (normal behaviour) Each time the bar is re-opened, it can show a different dialog, so i destroy the previous dialog in the bar, and create a new child dialog whose parent is the bar. Each time the bar is re-opened, i reset the size of the bar using the normal code:
pBar->SetInitDesiredSizeFloating(CSize(300,300)); pBar->SetInitDesiredPosFloating(CPoint(100,100)); pBar->FloatControlBar(CPoint(100,100)); CFrameWnd* pFrame = pBar->GetParentFrame(); pFrame->RecalcLayout(); pFrame->SendMessage(WM_NCPAINT);
This does not work. The bar is moved to (100,100), but does not resize itself to (300,300)
Please fix.
Thanks, Ron.
Sergiy Lavrynenko
Jan 9, 2007 - 5:04 AM
Dear Ron,
You can try to repeat the problem in the ChangeFloatingSize test project and send it to technical support.
Offer Har
Jan 10, 2007 - 2:44 PM
Dear Support,
I Sent you yesterday a project repeating the bug. Did you receive my mail? Were you able to run the program? Were you able to re-produce th bug?
Please let me know.
Regards, Ron.
Offer Har
Jan 16, 2007 - 3:12 PM
Dear Support,
Another week gone by i got no reply. Is there anby chance that i will ever get any comment regarding this bug?
Regards, Ron.
Offer Har
Jan 9, 2007 - 10:44 AM
Dear SUpport & Sergiv,
I am sending you via mail an updated ChangeFloatingSize project where the bug is re-produced. Please note that the problem starts to happen when you close the bar (from the ’X’ button) and I call
ShowControlBar(&m_wndResizableBar, TRUE, FALSE); To re-open it.
Please try to fix this bug ASAP
Best Regards, Ron.