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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Problem eith CExtNCW Collapse All
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Hans Peter Miedeck Oct 17, 2006 - 1:59 AM

I have created a MDI project. From this project I create a dialog with the following properties: "STYLE DS_SETFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_FIXEDSYS | DS_CENTER | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU".

The dialog is a Childwindow from the MDI project.

My problems are:

If I minimise the dialog, I cannot increase it again. (this Problem is only if I use the “Office2007 Luna Blue Style” and if I create the Dialog with CExtNCW)

This dialog has a toolbar but I can not see the entries…

If I create the Dialog with the properties “STYLE DS_SETFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_FIXEDSYS | DS_CENTER | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_POPUP”, I can see the Toolbar Entries, but I can not move the Dialog anymore.


Technical Support Oct 17, 2006 - 11:30 AM

You should not use the CExtNCW template class with child windows and MDI child frames. First, CExtNCW currently supports captions of popup frame and dialog windows only. Second, the CExtNCW template class is not compatible with MDI child frames because the standard Windows MDI interface cannot work with windows which implement the custom non-client area. The custom NC area requires the WS_BORDER|WS_CAPTION styles to be removed from the window to make Windows API unable to overdraw the non-client area. The Windows MDI interface does not work with MDI child frames that do not have the WS_BORDER|WS_CAPTION style. We plan to recode the MDI interface from scratch to solve this problem.