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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Probel with Collapsed ribbon group that contains __ECTN_TBB_SEPARATED_DROPDOWN button Collapse All
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Stan Miasnikov Feb 13, 2007 - 6:12 PM


I have a ribbon group that contains a button with the drop-down menu. When the Group is not collapsed it works fine and when I select a menu item the command is received by the parent window correctly. However, when this group is collapsed, I need to click on the collapsed group button, then open a menu and only then select the menu command. In this case the parent (main) window does not receive the WM_COMMAND message for the selected command. It seems that WM_COMMAND is being forwarded to a wrong parent window when the group is collapsed. It is reproducible with the RibbonPage sample. Fragment of my code that creates the group is below. I had this problem with 2.62 and still have it with 2.63.4.


CExtRibbonNode * CNoteRibbonMenu::InitRibbonNodeHome( bool bVisible )
    CString        str, str1;
    CExtRibbonNodeGroup * pRibbonGroup =new CExtRibbonNodeGroup( ID_RIBBON_PAGE_HOME );
    VERIFY( pRibbonGroup->m_iconBig.m_bmpNormal.LoadBMP_Resource( MAKEINTRESOURCE( ID_FILE_SAVE_BIG ) ) );
    pRibbonGroup->m_iconBig.m_bmpNormal.AlphaColor( ALPHACLR1, ALPHACLR2, 0 );
    VERIFY( pRibbonGroup->m_iconSmall.m_bmpNormal.LoadBMP_Resource( MAKEINTRESOURCE( ID_FILE_SAVE_SMALL ) ) );
    pRibbonGroup->m_iconSmall.m_bmpNormal.AlphaColor( ALPHACLR1, ALPHACLR2, 0 );
    str.LoadString( IDS_RB_HOME );
    pRibbonGroup->SetTextInToolbar( str );

    pRibbonGroup->RibbonILE_SetCollapsed( __EXT_RIBBON_ILE_MAX-2 );
    if ( !bVisible )
        pRibbonGroup->ModifyFlags( __ECTN_TBB_HIDDEN );

    // CExtRibbonNodeDialogLauncher * pRibbonDLB = new CExtRibbonNodeDialogLauncher( ID_RIBBON_PAGE_HOME );
    // pRibbonGroup->InsertNode( NULL, pRibbonDLB );

    str.LoadString( IDS_RB_SAVENOTE );
    CExtRibbonNode * pNodeSave = new CExtRibbonNode( ID_FILE_SAVENOTE, 0, NULL, 0, str );
    VERIFY( pNodeSave->m_iconBig.m_bmpNormal.LoadBMP_Resource( MAKEINTRESOURCE( ID_FILE_SAVE_BIG) ) );
    pNodeSave->m_iconBig.m_bmpNormal.AlphaColor( ALPHACLR1, ALPHACLR2, 0 );
    pRibbonGroup->InsertNode( NULL, pNodeSave );
    pNodeSave->ModifyFlags( __ECTN_TBB_SEPARATED_DROPDOWN );
    str.LoadString( IDS_RB_SAVENOTE1 );
    str1 = CString("&") + str;
    pNodeSave->InsertNode( NULL,
        new CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode( ID_FILE_SAVENOTE, ID_FILE_SAVENOTE, NULL, 0, str, str1 ) );
    // separator
    pNodeSave->InsertNode( NULL, new CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode );
    str.LoadString( IDS_RB_IMPORTNOTE );
    pNodeSave->InsertNode( NULL,
        new CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode( ID_FILE_IMPORT, ID_FILE_IMPORT, NULL, 0, str ) );
    str.LoadString( IDS_RB_EXPORTNOTE );
    pNodeSave->InsertNode( NULL,
        new CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode( ID_FILE_EXPORT, ID_FILE_EXPORT, NULL, 0, str ) );
    // separator
    pNodeSave->InsertNode( NULL, new CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode );
    str.LoadString( IDS_RB_CLOSENOTE );
    str1 = CString("&") + str;
    pNodeSave->InsertNode( NULL,
        new CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode( ID_CANCEL, ID_CANCEL, NULL, 0, str1 ) );
    str.LoadString( IDS_RB_DELETENOTE );
    pNodeSave->InsertNode( NULL,
        new CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode( ID_FILE_DELETE, ID_FILE_DELETE, NULL, 0, str ) );

    // separator
    // pRibbonGroup->InsertNode( NULL, new CExtRibbonNode );

    str.LoadString( IDS_RB_PROTECTNOTE );
    CExtRibbonNode * pNodeProtect = new CExtRibbonNode( ID_FILE_PROTECT, 0, NULL, 0, str );
    // pNodeProtect->RibbonILE_RuleRemoveLargeILV();
    VERIFY( pNodeProtect->m_iconBig.m_bmpNormal.LoadBMP_Resource( MAKEINTRESOURCE( ID_PROTECT_BIG ) ) );
    pNodeProtect->m_iconBig.m_bmpNormal.AlphaColor( ALPHACLR1, ALPHACLR2, 0 );
    VERIFY( pNodeProtect->m_iconSmall.m_bmpNormal.LoadBMP_Resource( MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_PROTECT_SMALL ) ) );
    pNodeProtect->m_iconSmall.m_bmpNormal.AlphaColor( ALPHACLR1, ALPHACLR2, 0 );
    pRibbonGroup->InsertNode( NULL, pNodeProtect );

    str.LoadString( IDS_RB_SENDMAIL );
    CExtRibbonNode * pNodeMail = new CExtRibbonNode( ID_FILE_MAIL, 0, NULL, 0, str );
    // pNodeMail->RibbonILE_RuleRemoveLargeILV();
    VERIFY( pNodeMail->m_iconBig.m_bmpNormal.LoadBMP_Resource( MAKEINTRESOURCE( ID_SENDMAIL_BIG ) ) );
    pNodeMail->m_iconBig.m_bmpNormal.AlphaColor( ALPHACLR1, ALPHACLR2, 0 );
    VERIFY( pNodeMail->m_iconSmall.m_bmpNormal.LoadBMP_Resource( MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_SENDMAIL_SMALL ) ) );
    pNodeMail->m_iconSmall.m_bmpNormal.AlphaColor( ALPHACLR1, ALPHACLR2, 0 );
    pRibbonGroup->InsertNode( NULL, pNodeMail );

    return pRibbonGroup;

Stan Miasnikov Feb 19, 2007 - 1:19 PM

It is working now, however, there is another issue: if the goup contains a button with drop-down menus and is collapced, then, when closing a menu the application assers inside of the CWnd::AssertValid() method in the wincode.cpp (line 882). Basically it happens in CWnd::GetTopLevelParent() that is called in the standard PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) method for the main application window. I can ignore this ASSERT and it still works. I do not know if this problem was before I’ve implemented the changes you have suggested, but it is there now. If the group is not collapsed then this

Technical Support Feb 22, 2007 - 3:41 AM

Thank you for reporting the assertion failure. We will fix it as soon as possible.

Technical Support Feb 14, 2007 - 11:28 AM

Thank you for reporting the problem. To fix it, please update the following method in ../Prof-UIS/Src/ExtPopupMenuWnd.cpp :

void CExtPopupMenuWnd::_EndSequence(
      UINT nCmdID, // = 0
      HWND hWndDeliver // = NULL

      ASSERT_VALID( this );

HWND hWndOwn = GetSafeHwnd();
      ASSERT( hWndOwn != NULL );
bool bCustomizeMode = _FindCustomizeMode();

      if(         (! _IsFadeOutAnimation() )
            &&    m_ctrlShadow.GetSafeHwnd() != NULL

#ifdef _DEBUG
      if( hWndDeliver != NULL )
            ASSERT( ::IsWindow(hWndDeliver) );
#endif // _DEBUG
      ASSERT( m_hWndCmdReceiver != NULL );
      ASSERT( ::IsWindow(m_hWndCmdReceiver) );

CExtPopupMenuSite & _site = GetSite();
UINT * lpnResultCmdID = _site.GetTargetCmdIdPtr();
      if( lpnResultCmdID != NULL )
            *lpnResultCmdID = nCmdID;
DWORD dwTrackFlags = TrackFlagsGet();
CExtCmdItem * pCmdItem = NULL;
      if( nCmdID > 0 && ((dwTrackFlags&TPMX_NO_WM_COMMAND)==0) )
            pCmdItem =
                        g_CmdManager->ProfileNameFromWnd( m_hWndCmdReceiver ),
            //ASSERT( pCmdItem != NULL );
      } // if( nCmdID > 0 && ((dwTrackFlags&TPMX_NO_WM_COMMAND)==0) )

CExtPopupMenuWnd * pTopPopup = _site.GetInstance();
      ASSERT_VALID( pTopPopup );
HWND hWndTopPopup = pTopPopup->GetSafeHwnd();
            hWndTopPopup != NULL
            && ::IsWindow( hWndTopPopup )

      if( hWndDeliver == NULL )
            hWndDeliver = m_hWndCmdReceiver;

CWnd * pTopLevelParent = GetTopLevelParent();
HWND hWndTopLevelParent = pTopLevelParent->GetSafeHwnd();

CRect rcBkUpdate( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
      // hide all sequence
bool bFadeOut = _IsFadeOutAnimation();
      if( ! bFadeOut )
            CExtPopupMenuWnd * pPopup = this;
            for( ; pPopup != NULL; pPopup = pPopup->m_pWndParentMenu )
                  ASSERT_VALID( pPopup );
                  ASSERT( pPopup->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
                  ASSERT( ::IsWindow( pPopup->GetSafeHwnd() ) );
                  CRect rcPopup;
                  pPopup->GetWindowRect( &rcPopup );
                  if( rcBkUpdate.IsRectEmpty() )
                        rcBkUpdate = rcPopup;
                        CRect rcPrev( rcBkUpdate );
                        rcBkUpdate.UnionRect( &rcPrev, &rcPopup );
                  CExtPopupMenuTipWnd & _tipWnd = pPopup->GetTip();
                  if(         _tipWnd.GetSafeHwnd() != NULL
                        &&    ::IsWindow( _tipWnd.GetSafeHwnd() )
                        &&    _tipWnd.IsWindowVisible()
                        CRect rcToolTip;
                        _tipWnd.GetWindowRect( &rcToolTip );
                        CRect rcPrev( rcBkUpdate );
                        rcBkUpdate.UnionRect( &rcPrev, &rcToolTip );
                  pPopup->ShowWindow( SW_HIDE );
            } // for( ; pPopup != NULL; pPopup = pPopup->m_pWndParentMenu )
            if( ! g_PaintManager.m_bIsWin2000orLater )
            // allow bottom windows repaint
            if(   !rcBkUpdate.IsRectEmpty()
                  &&    hWndTopLevelParent != NULL
                  && ::IsWindow(hWndTopLevelParent)
                        hWndTopLevelParent, (LPPOINT)&rcBkUpdate);
                        hWndTopLevelParent, ((LPPOINT)&rcBkUpdate)+1
      } // if( ! bFadeOut )

      if(         m_hWndNotifyMenuClosed != NULL
            &&    ::IsWindow( m_hWndNotifyMenuClosed )
                  LPARAM( this )

      // top popup (and all children) finally must be closed

      if( ! bFadeOut )
            if( ::IsWindow( hWndTopPopup ) )
                  ::PostMessage( hWndTopPopup, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 );
            if( CExtToolControlBar::g_bMenuTracking )
      } // if( ! bFadeOut )

bool bOwnWindowExist = ::IsWindow( hWndOwn ) ? true : false;

      if(         ::IsWindow( hWndDeliver )
            &&    (! bCustomizeMode )
            if( pCmdItem != NULL )
                  // if command target still exists -> deliver command to it
                  if( (dwTrackFlags&TPMX_NO_WM_COMMAND)==0 )
                        if( ! bFadeOut )
                        VERIFY( pCmdItem->Deliver( hWndDeliver ) );
            } // if( pCmdItem != NULL )
                  if(         bOwnWindowExist
                        &&    bFadeOut
                        &&    m_nCurIndex >= 0
                        &&    ItemGetInfo( m_nCurIndex ).IsPopup()
                        CExtPopupMenuWnd * pPopup = ItemGetInfo( m_nCurIndex ).GetPopup();
                        if( pPopup->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL )
                              INT nSaved = pPopup->m_nFadeOutAnimationStepCount;
                              if( nCmdID == 0 )
                                    pPopup->m_nFadeOutAnimationStepCount = -1;
                              pPopup->_EndSequence( nCmdID, hWndDeliver );
                              pPopup->m_nFadeOutAnimationStepCount = nSaved;
                  if(         (dwTrackFlags&TPMX_NO_WM_COMMAND) == 0 
                        &&    nCmdID != 0
            } // else from if( pCmdItem != NULL )
      } // if( pCmdItem != NULL && ...

      if( ! bOwnWindowExist )

      if( bFadeOut )