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Offer Har
Sep 2, 2008 - 10:20 AM
Hi, I want to add a page at the end of a tab control, and to set a tooltip to it using PageTooltipTextSet . The problem is that PageInsert does not return the index of the new added page, and none of the PageInsert function accept the tooltip string. Can you please do one of the two: 1) Return the index of the page added instead of BOOL or: 2) Add the tooltip parameter to the PageInsert function Thanks,
Technical Support
Sep 17, 2008 - 12:25 PM
There are no problems with design and declaration of the CExtTabPageContainerWnd::PageInsert() method. If you specify a greater or zero value in the nPos parameter, then it’s the result index of inserted page. If you specify a negative value, the inserted page is the last page and you can get its index because you can get total count of pages by invoking the CExtTabPageContainerWnd::PageGetCount() method.