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Hendrik Stephani
Apr 24, 2009 - 5:43 AM
I have used code to make my framewindow snapping to other windows. I use the WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE and WM_EXITSIZEMOVE to get the information about entering and leaving the move/size mode and the WM_MOVING and the WM_SIZING message the adjust the windows to each other. Since I use Prof-UIS framewindow (deriving from CExtNCW<CFrameWnd>) I don’t get the WM_MOVING and WM_SIZING messages anymore. What am I doing wrong?
Technical Support
Apr 24, 2009 - 12:20 PM
Thank you for reporting this issue. The WM_MOVING and WM_SIZING messages are sent by Prof-UIS 2.85. You can request the pre-release version by email.