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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » new features - ideas Collapse All
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Rado Manzela Feb 19, 2007 - 11:05 AM

I’d like to ask whether do you plan to implement replacement for MessageBox(). At least standard functionality with themed appearance.
It is very often used function IMHO and it looks weird when error/information messages in themed application have old design.

It would be also great if you would implement sorting by columns in CExtTreeGridWnd. It could sort siblings at the same level in tree hierarchy. Optionally recursively to last level or to given depth using some tree’s option variable (1=sort only children of root).
I guess I could do this by myself after some hard days of studying of dataprovider class, but maybe it could take couple of minutes to you
and would be useful for other users ;)

Rado Manzela Feb 21, 2007 - 8:30 AM

Thank you!

Rado Manzela Feb 20, 2007 - 5:08 AM

some example of usage could be this:

|name |amount|
|order1 | $10 |
| \ item1 | $5 |
| \ item2 | $5 |
|order2 | $4 |
| \ item1 | $3 |
| \ item2 | $1 |

order’s amount is sum of all children items’ amount - provided by me.

user would be able to to sort tree by clicking to name column (this is how is the example sorted now) or amount column
( ascending order would be (order2,(item2,item1)),(order1(item1,item2))

Technical Support Feb 21, 2007 - 2:59 AM

Thank you for providing these details. We will add this feature in one of the next releases.

Technical Support Feb 20, 2007 - 3:30 AM

Thank you for suggesting new features. We added this to our to-do list. We could implement the message box as some ProfUIS_MessageBox() and the tree grid sorting as a method of CExtTreeGridWnd class (however we have no idea how to use it in the default tree grid).