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Christian Dangl
Sep 24, 2014 - 5:17 AM
Hello a.) Is it possible to have e.g. one maindialog having a ribbonbar and then start another dialog showing a different ribbonbar. Within our solution we get heap corruption when deleting the second ribbonbar and the solution breaks or when closing the second dialog, the first ribbonbar gets disturbed and no longer gets paint correctly. b.) Futhermore does a ribbonbar work inside any type of CWnd derived class. Or is there need to have a specific CFrameWnd or CDialog type of class as parent ? Patrick
Art Wilkes
Sep 24, 2014 - 10:15 AM
This was answered in a separate email with an example
Build the sample and press the ‘Paste’ button on the ribbon: another ribbon dialog will open.
Prof-UIS Support