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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Main Frame Window Resize - Controls slow to respond Collapse All
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Paul Morrison May 29, 2007 - 9:35 PM

Hello - I’m new to the library and during my testing and experimenting, I’ve discovered that most of the samples are very slow to resize the internal windows/controls when the main frame window is resized. For instance, if I run the ProfStudio application and drag the main frame window from the lower right corner as the window increases in size I see a large black background that is the difference between the main frame and docking windows or toolbars that should fill that space. Note, I’m resizing the windows very quickly. This sample in particular seems to show the gap the most.

I tried some old OnEraseBkgnd tricks, but that didn’t appear to help. Other notable apps, such as Visual Studio 2005 don’t show this resizing problem under Vista.

My testing is being done on Vista 64 using the 32bit libraries.

Technical Support May 30, 2007 - 2:57 AM

There are two issues you should take into account when testing the performance:

1) Debug builds are much slower than release ones because there are a lot of assertion checks in Prof-UIS.
2) ProfStudio is a heavy-duty sample with more than 30 control bars.

So if you compare Visual Studio 2005 (typically less than 10 controls bars) with ProfStudio with the same number of open control bars, you should get similar results.