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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Layout rules and event in ribbon page Collapse All
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Chun Pong Lau Oct 10, 2006 - 2:07 AM

Dear support team,

I would like to use your awesome ribbon page to add some UI item there, like some buttons and a textfield, but it seems there are many rules to change the layout. For example, when the space is not enough, it will turn to a collapsed mode and it will expand to use all the space in the ribbon page, it is nice sometimes but it is not in my usage now. Can I get rid of these rules or how can I customize it?

By the way, how should I know when a button or a text field is pressed or entered in the ribbon page?


Technical Support Oct 11, 2006 - 12:29 PM

The ribbon bar and ribbon page windows are derived from the menu bar, which is deribed from the toolbar. So you can handle button clicks in the same way as you handle toolbar/menu commands. Please note that CExtRibbonPage is derived from the CExtCustomizeSite class. This allows you to use text/combo fields (see this feature tour page) which are more feature rich than regular controls and we recommend you user them. You can handle them by overriding virtual methods of the the CExtCustomizeSite class. The CMainFrame class in the StyleEditor customizable sample is derived from the CExtCustomizeSite class and demonstrates how to work with customizable text/combo fields. You can do the same in your class which is derived from CExtRibbonPage/CExtRibbonBar.