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Vlad Kozatchenko
Jan 31, 2008 - 5:23 PM
hello, Support,
the rendering of the ribbon is OK with Normal Fonts on WindowsXP. however, if to use large fonts setting (DPI properties of the screen in Windows XP) the layout is destroyed - it looks like it tries to show nodes in 4 rows (not in 3 as it was with small font).
how to make it use the same layout for LargeFonts settings as it is used for normal fonts?
thank you!
Technical Support
Feb 2, 2008 - 11:11 AM
We have just checked the ribbon on both large font theme settings using 96 DPI screen and on 120 DPI screen and everything is ok with v. 2.82. Please provide the exact steps to reproduce the problem using our RibbonBar sample application.