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Fransiscus Asisi Herry
Aug 19, 2013 - 7:49 AM
Dear Support, Is version 2.94.2 still support and be used in MS Visual C++ 6? However, i could not find the integration wizard as there is no support folder inside prof-uis folder, and ProfUisAppWizard.awx seemed is broken link. If this can still be used within MS Visual Studio 6, please let me know the procedure.
Jay Horak
Sep 4, 2013 - 6:02 PM
I have VS 2005. I purchased 2.94.2 and need to build the libs with it. Is it possible?
Fransiscus Asisi Herry
Aug 24, 2013 - 11:21 PM
Thank you for explanation. I am still using Visual 6 but now will move gradually to VC 2008 and VC 2012 if possible. You do not have to create one for me. I still need some help if you do not mind. I try to find App Wizard for VC 2012 and 2010 but I could not find anywhere on the file. The highest one is only ProfUisAppWizard_2008.ZIP for Visual Studio 2008. Can you create for 2012 and 2010 if possible? I think this is for now. Looking forward for your reply.
Art Wilkes
Aug 20, 2013 - 2:10 PM
The Software Establishment LLC supports the Prof-UIS Library.
We do not have Visual Studio versions 6-9.
We could get you a visual studio project for Version 6 if you really need one.
The Wizard is being replaced. We will have a new system out this fall.
I’ll check the link and see it is removed. Are you still using Visual Studio 6.
VS 6 will not really work on Windows 8 and beyond.
I not sure if VS 6 will work on Windows 7 without modification. Is there any way that I can help you.