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Rado Manzela
Aug 10, 2014 - 6:58 AM
You have bug in void CExtEditSystemCurrency::_Init() at multiple places:
C:\work\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtEdit.cpp(4484): g_ResourceManager->GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_INEGNUMBER, &cNegNumFormatIndex, sizeof( cNegNumFormatIndex ) / sizeof(TCHAR) );
C:\work\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtEdit.cpp(4515): g_ResourceManager->GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_IDIGITS, &cNoOfDigitsAfterDecimal, sizeof( cNoOfDigitsAfterDecimal ) / sizeof(TCHAR) );
C:\work\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtEdit.cpp(4519): g_ResourceManager->GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_ILZERO, &cDisplayLeadingZeros, sizeof( cDisplayLeadingZeros ) / sizeof(TCHAR) );
C:\work\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtEdit.cpp(7172): g_ResourceManager->GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_ICURRENCY, &cPosCurFormatIndex, sizeof( cPosCurFormatIndex ) / sizeof(TCHAR) );
C:\work\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtEdit.cpp(7209): g_ResourceManager->GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS, &cNoOfDigitsAfterDecimal, sizeof( cNoOfDigitsAfterDecimal ) / sizeof(TCHAR) );
C:\work\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtEdit.cpp(7213): g_ResourceManager->GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_ILZERO, &cDisplayLeadingZeros, sizeof( cDisplayLeadingZeros ) / sizeof(TCHAR) );
You are incorrectly providing buffer for the output. You have correctly implemented getting value of LOCALE_INEGCURR for negative currency format, but incorrectly LOCALE_ICURRENCY so the edit box displays positive numbers incorrectly.
Art Wilkes
Aug 11, 2014 - 4:36 PM
We need more (specific) information. What is going wrong with LOCALE_ICURRENCY ? Prof-UIS Support.
Rado Manzela
Aug 12, 2014 - 11:06 AM
Problem is with the buffer size, you need to provide 2 character buffer because of trailing null character, just check how do you get value of LOCALE_INEGCURR
Art Wilkes
Aug 11, 2014 - 4:36 PM
We need more (specific) information. What is going wrong with LOCALE_ICURRENCY ? Prof-UIS Support.