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Mitsuhiko Yamada
Jan 21, 2008 - 2:22 AM
Hello. I have used profUIS under VisualStudio2005(Japanese) up to now. It was necessary to change in the content of \Prof-UIS\Include\Resources\resource.rc to avoid the crash of VisualStudio2005(Japanese) at the build of project. When having updated it to profUIS(2.82), I can do the build of various projects. VisualStudio2005(Japanese) crashes by the debugging execution. Next, when having changed to VisualStudio2008(Japanese), I cannot do the build of samples(SDI, MDI, ProfUIS_Controls...) of profUIS. VisualStudio2008(Japanese) crashes. Moreover, ProfUisAppWizard_2005 doesn’t operate. Isn’t there problem in the use of profUIS(2.82) under VisualStudio2008(Japanese)? Or, is special attention in use necessary?