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Chun Pong Lau
Oct 4, 2008 - 11:49 AM
Dear support team, How to know when the caption bar of a control bar is clicked by mouse? Regards, Chun
Technical Support
Oct 6, 2008 - 1:11 PM
You should use your own CExtControlBar -derived class and handle the WM_LBUTTONDOWN standard message in it. This handler method will be invoked for control bar’s caption click event because the caption area has the HTCLIENT hit-test code. You should use the CExtControlBar::_RectGripGet() method to get caption rectangle.
You can use an alternative way of caption click handling: you should override the CExtControlBar::_DraggingStart() virtual method which is invoked to start drag-n-dropping algorithm when user clicks bar caption.