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Chun Pong Lau
Jul 20, 2008 - 12:05 AM
Dear support team, When I right click the status bar of a PROF-UIS application, there is a context menu showing each control bar, when I click a control bar in this context menu, it will be shown again if it is hidden. The question is how to add/remove a control bar from this menu. Thanks a lot. Regards, Chun Pong
Technical Support
Jul 23, 2008 - 11:42 AM
If you need to hide some control bar from built-in Prof-UIS menus, you should set its CExtControlBar::m_bAppearInDockSiteControlBarPopupMenu property to false. You can also re-create or modify any built-in menus by handling the CExtControlBar::g_nMsgConstructPopupMenu registered message. As an example, you can use the ProfStudio, which replaces the most of built-in Prof-UIS menus with custom menus..
Chun Pong Lau
Jul 23, 2008 - 1:46 PM
I tired to set CExtControlBar::m_bAppearInDockSiteControlBarPopupMenu to false in CMainFrame::OnCreate(), but somewhere in PROF-UIS library it set it to true again.
Where should I set it actually?
Technical Support
Jul 25, 2008 - 5:13 AM
The dynamic control bars represented by CExtDynControlBar can modify the CExtControlBar::m_bAppearInDockSiteControlBarPopupMenu property when state is loaded at run-time. The simple control bars represented by CExtControlBar never change this property. So, if you are using simple control bars, you should set the CExtControlBar::m_bAppearInDockSiteControlBarPopupMenu property to false anytime/anywhere after a CExtControlBar C++ object is instantiated. In the case of dynamic control bars, you should override the CExtControlBar::OnConstructDockSiteControlBarPopupMenu virtual method and simply return false from it. The latter method is also applicable to simple control bars.
Chun Pong Lau
Jul 26, 2008 - 11:51 AM