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Darren Oliver
Jan 10, 2007 - 2:06 PM
1. I would like to create a similar layout as Microsoft did in Outlook’s Rules and Alerts (Tools->Rules and Alerts).
I would like to have a string of text be a link which would open up another dialog when clicked. I have looked through your examples and I see you are using buttons which I do not think will work in this case.
It is essential that I am able to make a few words in a sentence a link instead of the entire line.
This link would appear inside a CExtGridWnd cell.
2. Also is it possible to add another table inside a CExtGridWnd cell? So as to have a single cell be an entire new table.
Thank you for your time, Darren
Darren Oliver
Jan 12, 2007 - 8:56 AM
I apologize my quick example. The cell headers didn’t line up to their corresponding columns correctly.
Enable corresponds to <check box> Action corresponds to "send e-mail to Parameter" Parameter corresponds to "Jonny"
Thanks, Keep up the great work!
Darren Oliver
Jan 12, 2007 - 8:53 AM
Thank you for your quick response Sergiy.
I have redesigned my dialog by adding some colour to the grid cells to avoid a nested table. This allows me to show the entire grid without using a popup window. Thank you for the suggestion though :)
I am however still a little stumped on how to implement a rich text edit control. I would like a grid with check boxes on the left side corresponding to a line of text in the grid. I would like to underline one or more words in the cell but unfortunately I’m only able to underlne all the text in the cell.
Having check boxes would allow the user to enable or disable the corresponding action. A quick example would be ________________________________________________ Enable | Action | Parameter | _____________|______________________|___________| | <check box> | send e-mail to Parameter | Jonny | _______________________________________________|
I would like to underline only the word "Parameter" where Parameter would just be a place holder for "Jonny". The underlined text wouldn’t be replaced with the text inside the parameter cell in the grid but the action would effectively be "send e-mail to Jonny".
The rich text examples you suggested look like they would work for a large single text control but could something like this be embedded inside a CExtGridWnd?
Thank you for your assistance, Darren
Technical Support
Jan 15, 2007 - 1:28 PM
The grid cell content you need is the simple text with multiple hyperlinks. Unfortunately we have no ready-to-use grid cell which is working as simple web browser. We can assume your message as feature request or custom work request depending on its importance in your project(s).
Sergiy Lavrynenko
Jan 11, 2007 - 4:35 AM
Dear Darren,
The CExtGridWnd class implements the HWND -based UI control which acts like the grid control. The CExtGridCell class implements the non-HWND -based UI item inside the grid control. Currently it is not possible to insert the grid control into the grid cell inside other grid control. But you can create the grid cell with the ellipsis button and show the nested grid control inside some popup window which will be displayed when the grid cell’s ellipsis button is clicked. This popup window can be either modal or non-modal. We can discuss details of your task to find more exact solutions.
The CExtGridCellHyperlink class implements grid cell which works like hyperlink in web browser, but entire hyperlink cell area works like hyperlink - not some part of cell’s text. I think the Outlook like rule builder should be implemented in an other way. You should use the rich edit common control with the hyplerlink like looking and working OLE objects inserted into rich text. First of all, please check the following articles and corresponding source code which will bring you much closer to the solution:
In the most simple case the hyperlinks can be implemented as bitmaps inside rich text. Each bitmap will display rich edit’s background and underlined text.