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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » GridCellRectsGet... Collapse All
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David Skok Jan 29, 2008 - 6:12 PM

How can I get the rects of a cell in a ExtReportGridWnd given the
CExtReportGridColumn and CExtReportGridItem of the cell?

Thanks, Dave

Technical Support Jan 31, 2008 - 4:29 AM

You can do this using the following code

CExtReportGridWnd & wndRG = . . .
CExtReportGridColumn * pRGC = . . .
CExtReportGridItem & pRGI = . . .
      if( pRGC == NULL || pRGC == NULL )
            return ... // incorrect parameters
      if( ! pRGC->ColumnIsActive() )
            return . . . // it’s not possible to get cell rectangles if it’s inside inactive column
LONG nRowNo = wndRG.ItemGetVisibleIndexOf( (HTREEITEM)pRGI );
      if( nRowNo < 0L )
            return . . . // report row is collapsed and locations of its cells are unavailable
LONG nColNo = 0L, nTmp = wndRG.ColumnCountGet();
      for( ; nColNo < nTmp; nColNo++ )
            CExtGridCell * pHdrCell = wndRG.GridCellGetOuterAtTop( nColNo, 0L );
            ASSERT_VALID( pHdrCell );
            if( LPVOID(pHdrCell) == LPVOID(pRGC) )
      ASSERT( nColNo < nTmp );
CRect rcCell, rcCellExtra;
      if( ! wndRG.GridCellRectsGet(
            return . . . // cell is outside visible range and its location is unavailable 
As you can see, it’s not possible to get cell location if it’s inside an inactive column under a collapsed group row or not at least partially visible in the displayed cell range (you need to scroll to it). The computed nColNo and nRowNo indices can be used in invocations of the CExtGridWnd::EnsureVisibleColumn() and CExtGridWnd::EnsureVisibleRow() methods if you want to scroll the report grid to a particular cell. The CExtGridWnd::GridCellRectsGet() method can compute rectangles of all cell parts. In the code above we computed the rcCell rectangle of exact cell location. The rcCellExtra rectangle is exactly the same if auto-preview mode is off. If it’s on, then rcCellExtra rectangle contains a larger bottom side which is used by the in-row preview area.