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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Grid row jumps when setting focus to lowest line Collapse All
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Offer Har Jul 7, 2008 - 6:50 AM

I have a grid with 4 rows visible, and 5 rows in total.


The height of the grid is set so that exactly 4 rows are displayed.


When rows 1-4 are displayed, and I click on row 4, the grid scroll down to show row 5, which it should not.


I found that this happens if I show exactly 4 row, if I add even one row of pixel below the 4th row, it does not jump, as you can see in this zoomed in screen-shot.


Can you please make it more precise to the pixel level?






Offer Har Jul 17, 2008 - 1:54 PM

Can you please confirm this bug and fix it?

Offer Har Sep 8, 2008 - 3:28 PM

Can you please confirm this bug and fix it?

Technical Support Sep 9, 2008 - 2:21 PM

We have fixed the selection of last and partially visible row at the bottom. We can provide you with the source code update for most of issue you reported, but as result you will get Prof-UIS version which is very close to latest stable 2.84. We think you have reason to update to 2.84.

Offer Har Sep 9, 2008 - 3:20 PM

1) When you fix bugs, please let us know - as we try and keep track of all open issues, and it consumes a  lot of time on our side.

2) Please send us the latest stable code of 2.84
