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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Grid crash Collapse All
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Offer Har Dec 27, 2007 - 4:00 PM

Dear Support,

I have a grid in a window. the window has a timer, which removes rows from the grid when they are not needed anymore.
The grid have cells that the user can edit.

If the timer decides to delete a row which is in the middle of user-editing, the process crashes.

My problem is that I could not find any way how to terminate the In-Place edit from the code - some kind of ForecEndEdit.

Please advise.


Technical Support Dec 28, 2007 - 5:49 AM

If you want to delete a row regardless of if a cell is being edited or not, you can send WM_CANCELMODE message to the grid before deleting that row. This will close the cell editor.

Offer Har Dec 28, 2007 - 6:04 AM

Thanks - no crashes...

However, I would to cancel the edit only if the row to delete is the row which contains the In-Place edit cell, so that the user will be able to continue edit while rows are removed.

Is there any grid function to get the current In-Place edit cell’s row & column?