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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » FormEditor-related questions Collapse All
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Suhai Gyorgy Oct 10, 2006 - 6:37 AM

Dear Support,

I have to make a window very similar to your FormEditor sample. But I have to do it on a dialog and I have to add a property grid to it as well. Regarding these I have some questions:

- What are the Class names that I have to set for the custom controls on my dialog for the property grid and toolbox window?
- I was testing your FormEditor sample, I put a groupbox on the form and after making it quite large, I started making it smaller again. The area of the form where the large groupbox had been before is not painted correctly, not even after window refresh. Is that a bug?

Thank you,

Suhai Gyorgy Oct 10, 2006 - 7:01 AM

One more thing: maybe instead of creating the property grid and toolbox window as custom controls, I could put them in control bars and have them docked. But as I’m reading through your FAQ and articles I have a feeling that control bars can’t be docked inside a dialog. Actually this is very understandable, but I was just thinking I’d rather ask it. So is it possible to dock control bars inside a dialog? If not, what would we the best approach to solve this problem?

Technical Support Oct 11, 2006 - 11:44 AM

You should use the ProfUIS-PropertyGridCtrl window class name for the CExtPropertyGridCtrl control in the dialog and ProfUIS-ToolBoxWnd for CExtToolBoxWnd. Here is the fix for the FormEditor sample:

Both Prof-UIS and MFC’s control bars can be redockable only if they are created in the frame window and enabled for redocking. But it is possible to create a CFrameWnd window using the CWnd::Create() method as a child of the CDialog window.