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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Font display problem in different language systems! Collapse All
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Bangjun Lei May 5, 2008 - 10:05 AM

Dear Sir./Madam.,

I successfully used your system to develop my software. To ensure English usage, I use the following at the beginning of the system:

g_ResourceManager->AllowCustomLang( true );

g_ResourceManager->SetLangIdDesired( __EXT_MFC_LANG_ID_ENGLISH_US );

The developed software works pretty good on my computer (English WinXP). However, when I bring my software to some other systems for example a Chinese WinXP. It turns out the font becomes bigger and therefore quite some of my CExtLabel objects are not displayed correctly (the texts simply run out of the boundary and therefore the ends are not displayed).

Do you have any solutions for this? I want my system to systematically perform the same under different language OS!

Thanks very much!

Technical Support May 7, 2008 - 3:29 AM

Could you send us a stripped version of your project that reproduces the problem so that we can help you in a more efficient way?

Technical Support May 5, 2008 - 11:43 AM

The dialog and its child control sizes are measured in DLUs dialog units based on font parameters. So, the label text should fit the label window on any system. But if you change the label font programmatically, the text can become larger than the label window. In any case, this problem does not depend on the resource manager. You simply configured the resource manager to load English resources regardless of the default Windows locale settings. This problem should hide somewhere else what is not discussed in your message. We need more details about the labels and dialogs in your project.

Bangjun Lei May 7, 2008 - 9:28 AM

Thanks! But how can I send the project to you?


Technical Support May 7, 2008 - 1:11 PM

Please send it to

Bangjun Lei May 10, 2008 - 2:12 AM

Thanks! The problem was solved. It’s a bug in VS2008.

Bangjun Lei May 5, 2008 - 1:48 PM

Thanks for your answer! But actually I didn’t do anything special. I just copy your example code and my system is simply dialog based. What might make the difference?