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marc uchida
Jun 4, 2009 - 11:11 AM
I posted a problem in 2007 that was never replied to. The issue has arisen again so I am re-posting.
see .
The problem is related to a perceived logic error in ExtTabWnd’s _SyncAllItems().
Here is a clipping from that function with my notes inline...
bCloseEnabled ? 0 : __ETWS_ENABLED_BTN_CLOSE,
bCloseEnabled ? __ETWS_ENABLED_BTN_CLOSE : 0,
INT nVisibleCount = 0;
for( ; hWndMdiChild != NULL; hWndMdiChild = ::GetWindow( hWndMdiChild, GW_HWNDNEXT ) )
// you code is checking for visibility property now
if( ( ::GetWindowLong( hWndMdiChild, GWL_STYLE ) & WS_VISIBLE ) != 0 )
nVisibleCount ++;
// your code now checks for handle
LONG nIndexExist = ItemFindByHWND( hWndMdiChild, -1, true, true );
if( nIndexExist >= 0 )
// should the above visibility check be done here instead, after the handle is checked??
if( ( ::GetWindowLong( hWndMdiChild, GWL_STYLE ) & WS_VISIBLE ) != 0 )
nVisibleCount ++;
if( hWndMdiChild == pWndActiveMdiChild->GetSafeHwnd() )
SelectionSet( nIndexExist, true, false );
NULL, false,
LPARAM( hWndMdiChild ),
In general, it seems like the code would be better served if the property is checked after a valid handle is confirmed.
Can this be changed for your next version? This will save us from having to continue employing an override of the _SyncAlItems() function and checking it each time you do a new release.
thanks for you time,
marc, vorum research
Technical Support
Jun 5, 2009 - 3:57 AM
We probably lost your forum message because of site maintenance. We are sorry.
Here is the loop with code statement inside:
for( ; hWndMdiChild != NULL; hWndMdiChild = ::GetWindow( hWndMdiChild, GW_HWNDNEXT ) )
if( ( ::__EXT_MFC_GetWindowLong( hWndMdiChild, GWL_STYLE ) & WS_VISIBLE ) != 0 )
nVisibleCount ++;
LONG nIndexExist = ItemFindByHWND( hWndMdiChild, -1, true, true );
if( nIndexExist >= 0 )
if( hWndMdiChild == pWndActiveMdiChild->GetSafeHwnd() )
SelectionSet( nIndexExist, true, false );
NULL, false,
LPARAM( hWndMdiChild ),
if( hWndMdiChild == pWndActiveMdiChild->GetSafeHwnd() )
SelectionSet( ItemGetCount()-1, true, false );
} // for( ; hWndMdiChild != NULL; hWndMdiChild = ::GetWindow( hWndMdiChild, GW_HWNDNEXT ) )
Only the valid MDI child frame window handles are reviewed by this loop’s statement. If the tab item does not exist for the currently enumerated window handle, then the tab item is added, otherwise not. It’s not important where to count visible MDI child frames if the window handles are always valid.