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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Extending the sliding CExtDynamicControlBars Collapse All
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Seth Strong Nov 1, 2006 - 12:53 PM

I have a child window named PLOTTER that is long and short. I think it would be nice to design my GUI so that the PLOTTER slides out only at its regular height. Currently if something is docked on the right or left, when it slides out it takes up the whole height of the client area. That sounds like I need to subclass CExtDynamicControlBar and override its auto-hide function. Is that right? And is there more to it that would help me get that right?

Thanks again,

Technical Support Nov 2, 2006 - 9:30 AM

You question sounds like you want to impose some restrictions on the geometry and layout but the details are not quite clear. Would you send us a screenshot(s) (or give a link) that explains the details?

Seth Strong Nov 2, 2006 - 12:32 PM

I sent a few emails with images. I tried to send images and the sample project but sending the project (3.4Mb zipped) failed everytime. Is the InternalDockStateBar class responsible for the geometry of the window that slides out and back from the tabbs on the side of the client area?