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Developer NCS
Oct 2, 2008 - 3:05 AM
I ran "RibbonBarMDI" example and recognized the following error:
When I removed some TabPage in RibbonPage_Home:
CExtRibbonNode * CMainFrame::_InitRibbonPage_Home()
CExtRibbonNodeTabPage * pRibbonNodeTabPage = new CExtRibbonNodeTabPage( 0L, NULL, _T("Home") );
pRibbonNodeTabPage->CmdKeyTipSet( new CExtCustomizeCmdKeyTip( __EXT_MFC_SAFE_TCHAR( _T(’H’) ) ), false );
pRibbonNodeTabPage->InsertNode( NULL, _InitRibbonNode_Home_Clipboard() );
pRibbonNodeTabPage->InsertNode( NULL, _InitRibbonNode_Home_Font() );
//pRibbonNodeTabPage->InsertNode( NULL, _InitRibbonNode_Home_Paragraph() );
//pRibbonNodeTabPage->InsertNode( NULL, _InitRibbonNode_Home_Style() );
//pRibbonNodeTabPage->InsertNode( NULL, _InitRibbonNode_Home_Find() );
return pRibbonNodeTabPage;
If I click maximize button in main frame and then click restore button in main frame, I recognized the difference position on RibbonPage_Home ( you can see screenshots) 

Please fix this error because my application has the above error !
Thanks !
Technical Support
Oct 9, 2008 - 6:42 AM
Developer NCS
Oct 7, 2008 - 9:24 AM
Do you understand my question ?? Please reply to me ? Thanks !