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Andrey Pinchuk
Jan 11, 2007 - 2:23 AM
Hello. This is problem in the BoundChecker checked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dynamic memory overrun 1520 byte block allocated in D:\My projects\AwsServer\ChildView.cpp (44) HANDLE: 0x03611FD8 allocating thread ID: 0x888, current thread ID: 0x888
Location of Error CExtPopupMenuWnd::`scalar deleting destructor’ d:\prof-uis\include\extcustomize.h 902 CExtPopupMenuSite::_Done D:\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtPopupMenuWnd.cpp 906 CExtPopupMenuSite::DoneInstance D:\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtPopupMenuWnd.cpp 837 CExtPopupMenuWnd::PostNcDestroy D:\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtPopupMenuWnd.cpp 5769 CWnd::OnNcDestroy wincore.cpp 842 CWnd::OnWndMsg wincore.cpp 1824 CWnd::WindowProc wincore.cpp 1585 CExtPopupBaseWnd::WindowProc D:\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtPopupMenuWnd.cpp 4619 CExtPopupMenuWnd::WindowProc D:\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtPopupMenuWnd.cpp 12313 AfxCallWndProc wincore.cpp 215 AfxWndProc wincore.cpp 367 USER32.DLL!00008704 (unknown) (unknown) USER32.DLL!000087E6 (unknown) (unknown) USER32.DLL!0000B363 (unknown) (unknown) USER32.DLL!0000E634 (unknown) (unknown) CExtPopupMenuWnd::DestroyWindow D:\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtPopupMenuWnd.cpp 10440 CExtPopupMenuWnd::_OnCancelMode D:\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtPopupMenuWnd.cpp 13549 CExtPopupMenuSite::_HookMouseProc D:\Prof-UIS\Src\ExtPopupMenuWnd.cpp 1154 USER32.DLL!00016E41 (unknown) (unknown)
I?ienoiaeo anee nicaaaaou eiioaenoiia iai?:
CExtPopupMenuWnd * pPopup = new CExtPopupMenuWnd(); pPopup->CreatePopupMenu(GetSafeHwnd()); pPopup->ItemInsertCommand(ID_COM,-1,"text",NULL,AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDI_COM)); CPoint p; GetCursorPos(&p); pPopup->TrackPopupMenu(0, p.x, p.y); ------------------------------------------------------------ A Aa?nee 2.61 Yoie i?iaeaiu ia auei.
Sergiy Lavrynenko
Jan 11, 2007 - 5:17 AM
Dear Andrey,
The DevPartner software (more modern Bounds Checker version) is provided with a set of Error Suppression files. Each file is the database of errors for some EXE/DLL module which should never be displayed by DevPartner as the errors. The Error Suppression files are provided for many DLLs from the $Windows$/System32 folder. The DevPartner software does not provide such "error" database for Prof-UIS and we too. Previously, we faced many "errors" in both DevPartner and Purify but all of them were not the real errors. For instance, we are often writing code lines which are needed just to make Prof-UIS more "compatible" with both both DevPartner and Purify:SOME_WIN32_STRUCT_TYPE varName;
::memset( &varName, 0, sizeof( SOME_WIN32_STRUCT_TYPE ) );
varName.cbSize = sizeof( SOME_WIN32_STRUCT_TYPE ); The memset() invocation is needed just to avoid the uninitialized memory usage error message in DevPartner logs. In fact, even if the memset() function is not invoked - we are sure we are not using uninitialized memory when DevPartner reports this.