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Gevork Odabashyan
May 13, 2010 - 2:07 AM
To reproduce this bug I use MDI_DynamicBars-sud.exe sample from Prof-UIS 2.8.9 suit.
All steps illustrated by correspondent figure.
Follow the next step.
1. Set all dynamic bars to docking mode and then hide them – fig.1
2. Unhide to bars using “Dynamic Resizable Bars” menu item – fig.2
3. After docking Dynamic Bar 1 Dynamic Bar 0 we will have the first surprise:
Resulting bar has the strange view – fig.3
But this is not the all surprises.
4. Hide this bar by clicking on close button – fig. 4
5. After that unhide Dynamic Bar 0 using “Dynamic Resizable Bars” menu item.
We will see that now bar has not button for switching bar state – fig. 5
And also the bar has strange popup menu – fig.6

Technical Support
May 16, 2010 - 1:29 PM
Fixed both incorrect layout and menu. Thank you.