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Offer Har
Jan 11, 2007 - 6:57 AM
Dear Support,
What is the way to remove the caption bar of a dock bar completely?
Thanks, Ron.
Sergiy Lavrynenko
Jan 11, 2007 - 7:32 AM
Dear Ron,
First of all, two notes about window/control names: - Control bar (the
CControlBar class in MFC) is the window which sticks to the border of its parent window and which can be optionally redockable in MFC frame windows. Status bar (the CStatusBar class in MFC, the CExtStatusControlBar class in Prof-UIS) is the most popular non-redockable control bar. Toolbars (the CToolBar class in MFC, the CExtToolControlBar class in Prof-UIS) and resizable bars (not implemented in MFC, the CExtControlBar class in Prof-UIS) are the most popular redockable control bars. - Dock bar is also the kind of control bar, but it is internal window which has implementation both in Prof-UIS and MFC. The dock bar (the
CDockBar class in MFC, the CExtDockBar and CExtDockOuterBar classes in Prof-UIS) is the non-redockable version of control bar which is designed to act as container for any kind of redockable control bars. I think dock bars normally should never be discussed.
All the control bars in Prof-UIS are created using the CExtControlBar::Create() method. Typically the control bar window styles specified in the method’s parameter are the default C++ parameter value which has several WS_*** standard window styles and several CBRS_*** MFC control bar styles. If the CBRS_GRIPPER style is present (it is specified in default parameter value), then: - The gripper is present in created toolbar (the
CExtToolControlBar class), menu bar (the CExtMenuControlBar class) or panel bar (the CExtPanelControlBar class). - The caption is present in created resizable control bar (the
CExtControlBar class).
So, you should simply create your resizable control bars with invoking the CExtControlBar::Create() method and specifying the set of styles similar to default C++ parameter value, but without the CBRS_GRIPPER style. Such kind of resizable control bar are very similar to the splitter windows, but they have two very handy features: - You can show/hide them anytime at run time.
- Control bars have state persistence support.
Offer Har
Jan 11, 2007 - 7:42 AM
Dear Sergiy,
Thanks for the comprehensive answer. I understand my terminology mistake.
Best Regards, Ron.