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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » disable theming Collapse All
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Chris Anderson May 14, 2008 - 12:53 PM

Is there any way to disable theming in prof-uis app?

I looked at the FormEditor sample ( Prof-UIS v283 + VS2005 ), the project file already include additional manifest file , manifest_x86.xml, and it’s already calling InitCommonControls() function inside CFormEditorApp::InitInstance() function, but it’s still loading native XP theme. I also try calling CExtUxTheme::EnableTheming( FALSE), which didn’t make any differen If it’s ever possible to use XP visual style instead of themes ? If XP visual style is used,  I guess the menu is still based on menu bar, not win32 menu ? 




Technical Support May 17, 2008 - 12:33 PM

Would you clarify your question? What do you mean by “disable theming”? What the effect you want to achieve? Would you send us some screenshots?

Chris Anderson May 19, 2008 - 10:22 AM

What we tried to do is : add an option to our app so it can either use the "themes" provided by prof-ui, or simply default to  MFC/Win32 which can be controlled by a manifest file ( i.e. with native MFC app,  you can enable Windows XP Visual Style or look and feel by adding a manifest file to the project, and calling InitCommonControls() during the start up )

You may ask why don’t we just use native XP theme provided by prof-uis, well, there is still difference between prof-ui native XP theme and native MFC app, I will create a screenshot shortly

So in a nutshell, the question is : after the integration of prof-uis, is it possible to go back to the old MFC app without rolling back the changes in the code ?




Technical Support May 19, 2008 - 1:22 PM

You asked a short question in a nutshell but we have no short answer for it. If you integrate Prof-UIS grids into your project, you will have to recode parts of your project after rolling back to MFC only UI because grids are not present in MFC. But we do not think you have any reason to remove the Prof-UIS grids. If you use Prof-UIS toolbars and menus without advanced features like embedded popup list boxes, undo/redo/color/date-picker menus, then you can switch back to MFC easily. Besides there is no problem with common controls and dialogs if you are not using any Prof-UIS methods of these controls. You can roll back to MFC by changing only class names if you are using Prof-UIS classes which are mostly re-painted versions of other well known controls. But we think Prof-UIS provides much more than simple re-painting and you should decide whether to use or not to use it.

Chris Anderson May 19, 2008 - 2:04 PM

thank you for the information