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Offer Har
May 12, 2009 - 12:01 PM
Dear Support, We have the following scenario in an CExtTreeGrid : 1. Add two nodes to a tree under root 2. Add a third node to the tree 3. Move the first two nodes under the third node using ItemCopyMove . 4. Try to call CExtTreeGridCellNode::ItemGetChildCount on the first two nodes - CRASH!, the crash is in CExtTreeGridCellNode::FromHTREEITEM , in the line:
ASSERT_KINDOF( CExtTreeGridCellNode, pCell ); I am sending you now an application to reproduce this bug. Please attent to it as soon as possible, because we need it urgently! The same code worked fine under 2.83 Thanks, Ron.
Technical Support
May 14, 2009 - 12:46 PM
There are no problems with Prof-UIS. The CExtTreeGridWnd::ItemCopyMove() method inserts cloned copies of tree rows or even tree branches. So, the CComboProblemDlg::OnClick3() method in the test project you sent us should renew the item handles: void CComboProblemDlg::OnClick3()
m_tree.ItemCopyMove(m_tree.m_htItem1, m_tree.m_htParent, (ULONG(-1L)), true, true, TVE_TOGGLE, true, false);
m_tree.ItemCopyMove(m_tree.m_htItem2, m_tree.m_htParent, (ULONG(-1L)), true, true, TVE_TOGGLE, true, false);
m_tree.m_htItem1 = m_tree.ItemGetChildAt( m_tree.m_htParent, 0L ); // renew HTREEITEM handle
m_tree.m_htItem2 = m_tree.ItemGetChildAt( m_tree.m_htParent, 1L ); // renew HTREEITEM handle