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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Column Show/Hide probelm Collapse All
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Offer Har Mar 12, 2008 - 10:41 AM

Dear Support,

I have implemented the show/hide columns feature for my grids.
The way I implemented it is that when a request to hide a column is received, I set its extent to 0.
This all works well unless the user hides all the columns. When this happens, The header row disappears, and the user cannot get to the menu again... Why dies this happens? is there a way to keep the header row visible even if all rows extent is 0?

Also, this is such a simple task - wouldn’t it be better if it was a part of the library?


Offer Har Mar 17, 2008 - 5:05 AM

Dear Support,

It is very simple - just set the extent to zero of all columns (in all three: -1, 0 and 1), and see what happens to the header row...
What do you mean by vertically cacheable?


Technical Support Mar 17, 2008 - 5:00 AM

Would you prepare a small test project with your implementation of column/hiding feature so we can test it on our side?
Note if your grid is not vertically cacheable, then you may want to use a report grid which supports active/inactive columns.