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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtTabWnd, CTabCtrl no pages Collapse All
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Seth Strong Nov 9, 2006 - 7:55 AM

You guys have awesome tech support. Here’s my next question. I want to use your tab control to match but all I want is a set of tabs that basically acts as buttons to indicate which of a list of identical objects that I am displaying in the form. I haven’t given up on figuring it out myself but I have gotten frustrated because I have a tab control based on your flat tab window I can dynamicallly add tabs. I’m sure this is because of my misunderstanding of the class. Is there a trick to telling the tab wnd to receive user clicks?

My test app has a form with a tab control, an edit field, and a "add tab" button. One tab is named "New" and the other tabs are named after the edit field when "add tab" is pressed. The actual app is nearly that simple as well.


Seth Strong Nov 9, 2006 - 7:57 AM

I left out the basic problem I cannot switch tabs by clicking the control.

Technical Support Nov 9, 2006 - 12:24 PM

The tab window is represented by the CExtTabWnd class and the tab page container is implemented with CExtTabPageContainerWnd. There several classes derived from them which implement different look of tab items. The CExtTabWnd class is a single line tab control. The CExtTabPageContainerWnd class is a container window for several page windows and includes CExtTabWnd so that the use can switch between page windows. The CExtTabWnd windows are also used internally in control bars (the CExtControlBar and CExtDynamicControlBar classes) for producing tabbed bar groups. Please let us know which of these tabs you mean exactly?