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Andrew Banks
Jan 8, 2007 - 12:44 PM
I can’t tell from the documentation, not that there is any, on how I can use CExtRibbonNodeDialogLauncher. I add it to a group on my ribbonbar and get a small arrow at the bottom of the group that I can click, but that is as far as I can get. Thanks
Sergiy Lavrynenko
Jan 9, 2007 - 4:51 AM
Dear Andrew,
The small dialog launcher buttons inside ribbon groups captions are working absolutely like simple toolbar command buttons. You can handle their clicks by adding the ON_COMMAND entries into the main frame’s message map and update their state by adding the ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI entries. Typlically each ribbon group contains a set of command buttons and/or input controls which are related to one particular task in your application. If all the items inside one ribbon group does not cover all possible/required task commands and properties, then you need to add the dialog launcher button into the ribbon group. The dialog launcher buttons were designed to invoke popup dialogs describing complete set of available task’s properties. You should not use the dialog launcher buttons in the ribbon groups where all the ribbon group items completely cover all the task requirements.